Hurley Family Emigrant Letters (Ref. U170)



25 March 1937 Letter from Denis Hurley, Carson City, Nevada to his niece, Mrs Dan (Mary) Deasy, Ahafore, Timoleague, County Cork. His health has been poor for almost 2 months and it has improved very slowly. He has not been able to attend church services during Lent, which was noticeable to the ‘old timers’. Hopes ‘times and conditions are favourable’ and that they are ‘not cursed with labor troubles, which is the curse of this country’. Father Hogan, a priest from his neighbourhood, observed that Ireland was ‘one of the most prosperous peaceable countries’ he had visited while abroad. Notes ‘they are encouraging home manufacturing’. Explains that in the event of his death his estate will be entrusted to a friend. He does not know what he may die possessed of owing to the cost of sickness and the value of the property at the time. 2pp 4 May 1937 Letter from Denis Hurley, Carson City, Nevada to his niece, Mary Deasy, Ahafore, Timoleague, County Cork. Refers to the sad news of her sister’s death. Remarks that ‘God will bless your charity and love for your departed sister’. Observes that ‘Our happiness does not depend on the amount of earthly good we lay by’ and that her sister ‘…may be able to help the afflicted souls in Spain in the spiritual kingdom…’. Quotes some lines of poetry by Thomas Moore, “This world is all a fleeting show, For man’s illusions given…’. Refers to the coronation of King George, ‘The frisky ones will see more in Edward’s wedding than in George’s Coronation’. Asks regarding the crops and on the ‘likelihood of a Kingly crown of Tara among the Clan De Valera’. 2pp 8 January 1938 Letter from Denis Hurley, Carson City, Nevada to his niece, Mary Deasy, Ahafore, Timoleague, County Cork. He heard news of her through her sisters Mrs. Fox and Mrs. McCarthy. Mentions some of the priests Mary met while they were vacationing in Ireland, including Father O’Grady, located 60 miles from Carson, and Father Lambe from Las Vegas. He is glad she is building a new house and says he took an active part in quarrying rock in the hill side in front of the house. Asks concerning cousin Timmy Hurley of Ahamilla who married a neighbours daughter. Hopes the house builders are ‘not so unreasonable and high priced’ as they are in the United States. 2pp



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