Bennett's of Ballinacurra Descriptive List (Ref. B609)


with some drying details also noted. The house seems to have had a new drier that season.

B609/2/F/7 Malt Transfer Book, 1976-77. Volume recording dispatch of loads of malt outwards from JHB, mainly to AGS. Noted is load number, carrier, docket number, and net weight. Weighbridge number is not recorded.

B609/2/F/8 Weighbridge Goods Out Book, 1979-82. Record of barley leaving JHB premises, noting date, weighbridge number, variety, description, destination, net weight, customer name, and totals for each destination.

B609/2/F/9 Weighbridge Book, Harvest 1976. This book records information as per the general description above, also noting quantities delivered to each malt house, the carrier and vehicle registration number, and whether delivered in bulk or by sack.

B609/2/F/10 Weighbridge Book, Harvest 1978. [No cover; now a roll].

B609/2/F/11 Weighbridge Book, Harvests 1978, 1979

B609/2/F/12 Weighbridge Book, Harvest 1985

B609/2/F/13 Weighbridge Book, Harvest 1986

B609/2/F/14 Weighbridge Book, Harvests 1986-87

B609/2/F/15 Weighbridge Book, Harvests 1987-88

B609/2/F/16 Weighbridge Book, Harvests 1987-93

B609/2/F/17 Weighbridge Book, Harvests 1989. This book records protein levels as well as the usual information.

B609/2/F/18 Weighbridge Book, Harvests 1989-90

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