1861 – 3 Garret (Gerald) Laurence Walsh b.1844 (Cork) 1864-5 Edward Walsh b.1846 (Cork) 1866 – 9 John Foley b.1834 (Dungarvan) 1838 – 9 John McCarthy b.1815 (Cork)#2301 1838 – 9 Callahan McCarthy b.1818 (Youghal)#2300 1856 – 7 Denis Driscoll b.1838 (Cork/Kinsale) 1859 – 61 Garret Laurence Walsh b.1844 (Cork) 1863 – 4 Edward Walsh b.1846 (Cork) 1857-9 Garret Laurence Walsh b.1844 (Cork) 1859-63 Edward Walsh b.1846 (Cork)
Fate of ship:
Laid up for repairs in November 1872.
Additional information:
Captain Jeremiah Walsh, son-in-law of Captain Nathaniel Sutton (b.1794, Clonakilty), became an owner of record of Eliza (Reg: 8513) after Captain Abraham Sutton (b.1813, Clonakilty). Captain Samuel Woodcock describes his captaincy of an 81t Eliza in coasting trade (quite likely the same vessel). Captain Jeremiah Walsh was father of the younger Walsh mariners, (future Captains) Garret and Edward Walsh. All related to the Suttons. Mate John Twohig and Seaman Denis Driscoll would both be master mariners and become extended Sutton family members. Mate (future Captain) Calaghan McCarthy and Seaman Callaghan McCarthy are likely to be the same person and placed on this schooner Eliza owned by Brown/A Sutton since ‘Callahan’ McCarthy was also associated, as a mariner, with Captain Abraham Sutton (b.1813) on Robert Lawe in 1839. #UK Nat Arch BT112; CLIP; IMNCL; Lloyd’s; UK M&M; Sutton Family History.
Place and date built: Tonnage/ Vessel type:
New Brunswick 1828
324t; Barque
Home port:
Owner: Activity: Master:
Foreign trader
1830 – 1 James Attridge b.1805 (Castletownshend) 1832 R Hall 1833 Dagaville 1834 – 9 William Hyde b.1801 (Cove)#16591 1828 – 9 Thomas Cooper Clarke b.1808 (Cork) 1842 – 3 Edward Burke b.1817 (Queenstown)
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