19th Century Cork Sutton Mariners, Sailing Ships and Crews

Activity: Master:


1842 – 6 T Murray 1850 – 54 Timothy Murray b.1830 (Clonakilty) 1842 – 3 Maurice Neil b.1822 (Clonakilty) 1847 John Bease b.1830 (Clonakilty) 1841 – 3 Thomas Murray b.1828 (Clonakilty)



Apprentice: Fate of ship:

This ship disappeared from Lloyd’s in the late 1840s and Tuipéar states that the Catherine sank off the Scilly Isles on 8 February 1850, en route to London with a cargo of oats, yet Timothy Murray’s UK M&M papers suggest that he terminated service as mate on Maryanne in May 1850 to assume captaincy of Catherine 1850 – 4. The date of 1850 for the demise of the Catherine led me to suspect Timothy’s papers were faulty, but new evidence indicates that is not the case. It was on 8 February 1854 (not 1850) that this schooner foundered ten nautical miles south of the Isles of Scilly. Her crew survived. She was on a voyage from Kinsale, Co Cork to Cork and London (List of Shipwrecks - Wiki which referenced shipping news reports from the London Morning Post and the Standard ). So, the dates on the UK M&M papers were not inaccurate but the story illustrates the fact that, as researchers, we never know when new evidence will impinge on our perception of the past. The Catherine , like the Mary Anne , was built at Deasy’s Quay, Clonakilty. The Deasys were a renowned Clonakilty ship-owning family and reputedly successful smugglers in earlier times. While the Mary Anne was named for Rickard Deasy’s wife, Mary Anne Cotter, C atherine was named for his daughter-in-law, Catherine Hale Prescott (Tuipéar; Sutton 2017, p. 266) (see also the Lark ). Mate Maurice Neil apprenticed on Murray’s 45 t Kitty 1837 – 8, was a seaman on Murray’s Lark 1841 – 2 and would captain Sutton’s Ocean 1845 – 6. Lloyd’s; UK M&M; Tuipéar, Historical Walk of Clonakilty; Sutton, ‘Two Mariner families and a yacht’, Clonakilty Historical and Archaeological Journal.

Additional information:



Place and date built: Tonnage/ Vessel type:

Newport 1840 122t; Schooner

Home port:





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