PR4/4/ (FILE 4 )
PR4/4/ (FILE 4)
1 Envelope containing a typed copy of MacSwiney's inaugural address as Lord Mayor of Cork for the intention of Reverend Father Dominic, O.S.F. Cap. (Chaplain to the Lord Mayor. No enclosure) [March 1920] 1p 2 General letter of resignation from a Member of the Council to F.W. Mc Carthy, Town Clerk, City Hall, Cork. [March 1920] 1p 3 Circular General Order number 1 1920 (new series) issued by the Adjutant General of the Irish Volunteers (Gearóid O'Sullivan) noting that all future orders will be issued numerically and will be the responsibility of Brigade and Battalion Commandants. 19 May 1920 1p 4 19 May 1920 See copy PR4/4/3 5 Circular General Order number 2 1920 (new series) commanding that no Volunteer should issue a proclamation in the name of the Irish Volunteers or the Irish Republic without formal authority of the Headquarters staff. 19 May 1920 1p 6 Initialled copy letter from MacSwiney to C.S. (Chief of Staff, Richard Mulcahy) concerning an inquiry on discipline among the Irish Volunteers. Records that although the great majority of City Volunteers are well disciplined and obedient the true idea of a soldier's discipline is only found in a limited number and that this is particularly emphasised in the countryside where Volunteers take a much more civilian standpoint. Notes that some officers have issued unauthorised orders or shown a want of judgement and he is therefore in full agreement with a classification scheme for offenses and punishment and would be willing to contribute to any publication on discipline or moral training. 21 May 1920 3pp 7 21 May 1920 See copy PR4/1/4 8 26 May 1920 See copy PR4/1/5 9 Copy letter to MacSwiney from Adjutant General Irish Volunteers (Gearóid
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