PR4/3/ (FILE 3 )
PR4/3/ (FILE 3)
1 Letter to MacSwiney from Micheál Ó’Coileáin (Michael Collins), Minister of Finance confirming and praising MacSwiney and his Mid Cork constituency for raising £4035 for the Dáil Éireann Loan and asking him for the Forms of Application and the official receipts for the sake of recording the amount and creating a good impression. 19 December 1919 1p 2 Printed pamphlet entitled An Introduction to Volunteer Training Handbook No. 1. Details the need and best possible method for a high standard of training in smartness, discipline, drill, field work, bayonet and pike fighting, first aid and engineering. Also stresses the value of good example in order to build up 'the military genius that will save our country, not only militarily but intellectually'. January 1920 23pp 3 Newspaper cuttings detailing the United States Senate's recognition of Ireland's right to self-determination and the ratification of the Peace Treaty. Details results of voting, Eamon de Valera's, President Dáil Éireann, cable to Arthur Griffith, Acting President, praising a successful mission and a report of the first American court case where the Irish Republic was recognised as an official government. 18-19 March 1920 5 items 4 Letter to MacSwiney from [D.Mc] on behalf of the Minister for Local Government (William T. Cosgrave) urging MacSwiney in the light of recent arrests to get signed forms of resignation from all the Sinn Féin members, to be used on the recommendation of the local Sinn Féin Club if and when the republican party is in danger. Advises that all newly elected members be informed of these precautionary steps, that they fully understand their positions are only temporary in the absence of late members and that they themselves fill in forms of resignation. 30 March 1920 1p 5 Cautious letter to MacSwiney from Micheál Ó’Coileáin (Michael Collins), Minister for Finance, thanking him for his notes delivered by 'F', expressing his delight at MacSwiney's intention to carry on and advising him to have the proposed interview with his Lordship (Dr. Cohalan, Bishop of Cork) in order to help reinforce moral values. 30 March 1920 1p
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