Kinsale workhouse Board of Guardians (BG108)

Kinsale Board of Guardians IE CCCA/BG/108

number ever likely to occupy it’. The ‘facility of emigration… in this part of the country’ is mentioned as a factor mitigating the numbers likely to app ly for relief.

13 Dec 1839 Resolved, that should the PLC decline to reduce the expense of the workhouse, that application be made ‘either to increase the size of the union or to dissolve it altogether’. 8 Feb 1840 Resolved, regarding the size and cost of the workhouse, that it is felt to be ‘unnecessary to remonstrate any further’ and to rely on the PLC’s promise to remedy ‘any inequalit y or injustice’ arising from ‘the smallness of the union’.

29 Mar 1841 Resolved, that a special meeting be called to consider the new rate valuation books, appointment of parish wardens, and the Vaccination Act.

11 Sep 1841 Resolved, that advertisements be placed for the posts of medical attendant, master, matron, and porter, and for supplies for the workhouse.

20 Nov 1841 Resolved, that the visiting committee make arrangements for opening the workhouse on 4 December, and that the stated dietary be adopted.

27 Jan 1842 Resolved, that the stated books be used in the workhouse school.

17 Feb 1842 Resolved, t hat deserted children ‘for whom ample provision has been already made by law’ ought not to be received into the workhouse.

24 Feb 1842 Resolutions regarding the leaky state of the workhouse, arising from ‘imperfect and insufficient specifications’ [approved by the PLC], and the extra expense to ratepayers of rectifying these defects. [See also 22 Dec 1842]

12 May 1842 Resolutions regarding a ‘mutiny’ by inmates who objected to eat their potatoes and refused to go to work.

19 May 1842 Resolution regarding the ‘extremely irregular’ admission of a woman, ‘she not being a destitute person but sent here by her employers in the last stage of pregnancy with a bastard child’. 20 April 1843 Resolved, to send a petition to parliament proposing an act to relieve Irish unions from repayment of loans for the building of workhouses. [See also 14 Mar 1844]

8 Feb 1844 Resolved, that the messenger be dispensed with ‘and that a trustworthy pauper be selected in the house for same’.

Cork City and County Archives 2011

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