Kinsale workhouse Board of Guardians (BG108)

Kinsale Board of Guardians IE CCCA/BG/108

2. 3. 4.

4 Apr 1844 – 2 Apr 1846


26 Aug 1847 – 26 Jul 1849


26 Aug 1847 Relieving Officer for No 1 District reports his fears that when temporary relief ceases on 28 August ‘many persons in said district will be in utmost distress’. He was authorised ‘to send 100 of them into this House by provisional tickets’. 16 Sep 1847 Medical Officer’s report regarding the largest number of inmates which the workhouse could safely hold. It is noted that ‘there were for some time 900 in the House’, but that difficulties, including ‘the impossibility of separating all the sick from the healthy make [him] dread again crowding the House beyond the number of 700’; resolution regarding the ‘general opposition to the payment of rates’ in Nohoval and Ballyfoyle electoral divisions, and the bad example of a magistrate ‘who has resorted to objections purely technical’.

14 Oct 1847 Resolved, that the Courceys fever hospital be maintained, and that Kinsale fever hospital be rented by the year for the use of the rest of the union.

21 Oct 18 47 Resolved, ‘that it is highly expedient that the inmates of this workhouse be kept as far as practicable in constant employment’.

28 Oct 1847 Resolutions regarding a government order requiring the union to pay current and future monies on hand to the Relief Commissioners until the £3859 6s 6d advanced by the government has been repaid. It is stated that ‘this unexpected order’ deprives the union of all money or credit ‘rendering it quite impossible for them any longer to relieve the poor of the union’. 11 Nov 1847 Resolutions expressing opposition to the proposed formation of a separate union in the eastern part of the present union district. It is insisted that ‘no partiality’ in admissions is given to ‘any particular locality’ and that ‘if the inhabitants of Carrigaline did not desire to avail themselves of the accommodation they have no one to blame but themselves’. It is added ‘we are fully alive to the necessity of extending the workhouse’. [See also 23 Nov 1848] 13 Jan 1848 Resolved, in response to a memorial to government from certain ratepayers, that a ‘great part of the letter’ does not relate to the poor law system, and that ‘ample accommodation exists in the workhouse at present and that our relieving officers have been… attentive to their duti es and ready at all times to receive applications for relief’. 16 Mar 1848 Report by the Medical Officer to the PLC regarding the use of the old jail ward, which last year was found to be too confined and badly ventilated. He thinks it ‘well adapted for t he reception of about 200 aged and infirm men, a

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