Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital
Extent: Part of:
Scope and Content: Records register number, name, age, date of notification [of admission], date of certification, date of discharge or death, date of notification [of discharge/death].
Cork County Home and Hospital Combined Indoor
Register and Statistical Record 1959 -March 1960 (60 items)
Oct 1924 – March 1957, April
Date: Oct 1924 – 31 March 1957, April 1959 -
31 March 1960 Title: Statistical Record Level:
Cork County Home and Hospital Combined Indoor Register and
Extent: Part of:
60 volumes (mainly c200 folios each)
CCH/G Conditions of Access and Use: Restricted Scope and Content:
Information recorded includes: patient register number, date admitted or birth in institution; name, age, sex, classification, no. of days in institution, and date of discharge/death. All volumes have an integrated name index. Other data entered includes whether adult/single/married/widow, if child whether orphan/deserted/illegitimate, residence prior to being admitted, employment or calling, religious denomination, disability, Christian name of wife/husband, name and address of nearest relative. Separate discharge columns record names and dates of death or discharge in a particular period.
Some of the fields are not filled in consistently and in some parts only the patients' names, and dates of admittance and discharge/death are recorded.
The first volume in this series states that this register is maintained under the County Boards of Health Accounts Order 1924, incorporating particulars from the 'Form 29' Indoor Register, 'Form 23' Indoor Assistance List and 'Form 32' Indoor Admission and Discharge Book. The combined register appears to contain a combination of certain records extracted from these 3 other series. The combined register used by Cork County Home and Hospital may also have been intended to replace the other 3 series.
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