St.Finbarr’s Hospital (Cork County Home and Hospital) (CCH)

Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital

CCH/H items)

Hospital/Medical/Nursing 1924 – 1965 (171



Date: 1924 - 1965

Title: Level:


sub-fonds 171 items

Extent: Part of:

CCH Scope and Content: Medical Weekly Return Books, 1929 - 1948

Sick Diet Books, 1951 - 1963

Record of Operations, St. Brigid's theatre, 1959-1965

Special Diet and Stimulant Books, 1937-1957

Ambulance Log Books, 1924 - 1945

Medical Doctors Admission and Discharge Books, 1925 - 1945

Nurses Report Book, Matrons Journal 1927 - 1947

Record of Telephone Calls and Telegrams, 1954 - 1955

Monthly return of infectious diseases, 1920-1931.

Eggs and Stimulants Book, 1938-1943


Medical Weekly Return Books1929 - 1948



Date: 1929 - 1948

Title: Level:

Medical Weekly Return Books


Extent: Part of:

28 vols.

CCH/H Conditions of Access and Use: Restricted Scope and Content:

South County Home and Hospital. Six-Weekly Returns. 'To be kept by the head nurse in charge'. Records ward title, patient register number, name, age, date of admission, days of each week when attended, and number or letter indicating diet, totals on each type of diet.

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