Number 4 SAMPLE LESSON PLANS 2 nd YEAR The Cork Workhouse Using sources for social history
Year 1914: Reference BG69/A/140 Author Cork Board of Guardians (extract from minutes of 16 March 1914) NO PRINTED MATERIAL NECESSARY. Remember you can zoom in to read the manuscript Option Print off the extracts from The Amazing Philanthropists and ask the class to read them. Learning Objective: This resource can be used for a number of different topics. The students should be able to relate the similarity of social conditions in Industrial Britain in 1850 to the workhouse in Cork in 1913. In particular, they should also be able to compare the conditions for children with their own lives. This resource also lends itself to ‘A person in history’ essay on a Suffragette or on a ‘poor child’. Introduction: (Also Revision or Project) Much of the second year content is about social conditions. This resource pack links the campaign for universal suffrage with the campaign for improvements in the lives of the people that eventually led to the Welfare State in Britain.
Instructions: 1. Read through the document. 2. Highlight the names of people, sentences, or words you do not understand. 3. Highlight any words you cannot read. 4. Fill in the recording sheet supplied and attach it to the document.
5a. Optional : ‘The Amazing Philanthropists’ was a novel written by Susanne who describes conditions in the workhouse. Ask the students to read through the extracts and describe the life of an inmate. Conclusion: Ask the students if they were surprised that conditions like this existed in Cork then. Do these conditions exist in Ireland today? What can we do to change them?
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