Resource Pack 3: 1914 Liam De Roiste
3 Cork City & County Archives: Through War and Rebellion: Cork 1912-1918
Irish Christian Front to support Franco in the Spanish Civil War with Alfred O'Rahilly (1884-1969). He was a councillor for the Cork Civic Party for two periods from 1945-1950. He was secretary and Director of the Irish International Trading Corporation, Cork. He was a lifelong member of the St. Vincent De Paul Society. He died on 15 May 1959 and buried at St.Joseph's Cemetery, Cork. (A biography of De Roiste, by Diarmuid O'Murchadha, was published in 1976) Project Work This document lends itself to project work using De Roiste’s comparison between 1914 and 1798 and working out references mentioned such as Grattan’s Parliament.
Some of de Roiste’s diaries are being published online on our website, allowing his activities and opinions on Ireland and Europe in 1914-15 to be studied in greater detail.
Instructions 1. Read through the document. 2. Highlight the names of people, sentences, or words you do not understand. 3. Highlight any words you cannot read. 4. Fill in the recording sheet supplied and attach it to the document.
5. Optional: 5.a Pick any two of the people that De Roiste mentions and research them (or De Roiste himself) on the internet. Write a report on them and include references to at least two different sources explaining why you chose these. And/or 5.b This is a link to Kuno Meyer’s speech which resulted in his name being removed from the list of the Freedom of Cork. Jim Larkin also spoke at the meeting. Write and deliver a speech either attacking or defending both men. 6. Store the completed work as directed by your teacher.
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