Valuation List, Holy Trinity Parish, Cork City, 1831

Cork City and County Archives

Copyrighted Material


Pm·ish of the llo!J Trinil!J·


.. j d.


£1 24913 j,:~3 ,. 6

I\ DEX, &c.

FO. -llroug!u foncnrd, I 36 Deane street,

~~i l\Jcrchant's quay,'

39 ),1 orth street,

Couuty of lfu~ .

WE the Cnn~hblcs appoinfeol hy the Grntul Jurv of th e Cnuntv or tbr City or Cork, C•f!J_!!f Cork. for the 1'11ri'h of the l loty Trinity, iu the ••i•l City. in the c,u,ity of t 'tc "icl City or C'url<. Do S\l'ear thnt the fort'~Oin;.: is n true nutl .-.x tel a<"cow•l .tn 1 , .. lurrl, nee ,rdio!,! to the best of our I, nwt•llin:: ll ou'e', Ou1 ··'>'""'• ·•, St•m' '• Ct•I- Jars, ~tahl<"'-1, Yartl' nnd Linnie,, in our Pari~ 1 1 of the IJuly 'f'riuity, a~ non 0 r,• at t: 1 ,. tunc tu 11 d,in,.:: ~tid RE>lurn, \Va~l<" nnd uuh•mulU."tf, or L~ t ia• "'uch -, "(Ultdtt! \ IMrtmeuH, in manner ... ,, e-.:ilic J l,y tlU \ r r IJtt,,cd iu the .:;!lnl )Car of the lt<•i::n of bis late ~l aje>l), cntitlud "" \ t·t for the more CIJU tl A••C" ncnt of .\Ionty pres('u ted to br raisetl by the Gr11nd Jury of t he County of the City of Cork, and .or a""" Vulu Ilion of th~ &aid City, und Survey of the Ltberties thereol~ aut! for uther purposes relative to GrauJ Juriea. • ~,NI'J ;rL ~t-,, ,( cfu ?/ £. v :ftt //a t( Sworn bi'{ore me a.;. I/ ~ duyof ' 1 /1/J, ,?, 18 //

40 Patrick street, I 10 Thomas street,

' 478~, 179 I 600 '8401

43 Fi:.h street,

'J :'5 i\Inylor street,

tlB'Caro~· ne street, I 'J!) Dungeon lane, I t!~HYintrop street, ~ ll, I JO n o ;erts street,

·2681 I t 69 I '466 I l~t.

54 1 I ; 869 I 776 Hl941

51 Elbow lane,.

51 Cool

Cowdy of Ute~ City of Cork. S W~ the Church Wardens of the Pnrl'b of the Holy Trinity, in the Counly of the City or Cork. Do bPreby Certify upon Outh, that the lore~oing is a true and exact account and return accord in<> to the bc~t of our knowletl"c nml he lie r of the •everul Wn>teand uutenautell llou.cs in our Aaitl Parish, as 1~ow ure at the time of their lf.,turu, \laat·~ an~ untenanted within the same Pari>b, ogrceabJo tu the Statute in ~uch case made and proridt!d.


Su-or,. bt(ort ru tit;. ,ry;, .-/ day•f , /,,


1 /I t 11 /d-1-<, /16l


18 ~/




(/ /lh


1 I

63 Pump lane,

I ' • lf'/'/lifll '



6tJ.Grafton's alley,

166 I f' 4()

65,Rue's lane, I 65 i\Iore:an street, I .. ()6 Pembroke street, 67 Phenix street, 67Smith street, I 68Beasley's street,

25) I ·836 I .' 26 '2101 251

Total, •..•


Cork City and County Archives

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