Cork City and County Archives
Copyrighted Material
Robn·t St. rr. l~IIJ()IV T.ane, Cvol~ "{,·eel, r.. ,) l
50 Pari.~!t qf the ITo~'! Triniflj·
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I Office, ~~outb Stable,
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ll.Jj\\'m. O'Hara, I ) l.)GJoseph LcylJOrnc,
1131 P. Camphdl, I JIJ.) .. .. .. ·•
11.)7Hichm·d Exham,
- 10 ]0 (i l 6
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115SCatherinc Crouin,
1136 ~1 al!.:ncy Brothers . I ~ . 11"""' J/1 .... ....
I ~tore &. Office, . !25 I IY ard ~)· Stablel 15 I
Dwelling house 12 I2
] 159Felix Doherty,
llSSD. Roche, 113!):
1 Elbow Lane'. - H I A I l 1 HiODavid 1\I'O'Boy, Stocc, lllDI 11 ! 1\ 'al. Tomkins, I Building;;round 4 ~Coaoh h. <\' Stn.l I I 4 Store J 10 10 Stab!~, _I ditto, _I G 4 4 1 lGI.T. Gol'tlon, I 116'2Edwar·d Keilly, I . 1163'\lichael Howell, 1 1·1 'I' 1161 lOmas aa;nev, I ~ . llG.>J. O'Grad), I 11661 r u~·h Lawton, I L 116/.Tobn Elli~, 166 1 Robert'~ Street. E\sr SmE. Stable, - 5 Linney~)· Yanl,l 5 I Store, - 10 Dwelling house 12 I ditto, 19 5 11 t'2Luccy Day, I 11 131\fauriee Crott~, I G 5 Coach h. &. Sta. l lO 10 10 ' 1111\. C. Shawr I \\'ork ~hop, 1JJ. .)Eli.~;a \Y.tll, I 1116Eugene ~I.thon', I l . 11 171 11 tS Ellen Wall, I 1119Dcnis l\I•Carthy, 1~ I I 51 Total,. Cool.: .Street. _I 8 zo _I 9 i 9 _112 HZ - 60 ~ 60 ditto, tore I Dwelling· house 10 10 I I () ~ " " / ditto, I ' J168~icholas I [owcll, JJG9~.1ohn Ellis, 1170 1Iugh Lawton, 11i II Robert ~Iorrogla, I 1172 1 .1 a me:. Cremin, 1 1]73 Hobert Ca\·e, 11 i li.Jane Stafl'ord, I 11 730. Ballard, ditto, ditto, - ·>.) ,) > I ·o so -~ J ditto, For.,.e, /h..~.. - 3 /J ••t 3 1150William Xcill, I I 0 I Wine andl S 1 1irit H 1 Slort•, I J)wclling hou,e 1 '.!0 ] ] .)1 Margt. l\Iurphy. I ] 1.)2J. C'as<'y, 11.331 .... .. .. 11 .).iJ. Bigwood, ~~wellin;?: housej lZ 12 20 1 6 I Lmney, - ditto, 8 lw 16 Carriccl fom·anl, £ '2iJ ditto, - 8 -1 18 Stm·e, 21 1 Coach h. 4· ta. 8 8 Ccm·iccl fortcarcl, • . • £I20 Cork City and County Archives Copyrighted Material 27
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