Cork City and County Archives
to be sworn till (after the Election of Magistrates) for the ensuing year (1727). Cooper. (? Franklyn)
Ffranklyn Ffranklyn Ffrench
James Samuel Thomas Stephen William
26/2/1749 27/1/1728
Gentleman Victualler Merchant
Field Field Finch
Hon. Edward
Capt. Coldstream Guards. A.D.C. to the Lord Lieut. Duke of Rutland. (1785). Silver Box. Lieut. Col. “Dublin Militia,” now (1798) in this City. Merchant
Finch Finlay
16/9/1743 2/4/1798
Lieut. R.N. Gentleman Merchant Merchant Merchant
Fish Fish
Benjamin Joseph Gabriel James Joseph James Richard Richard Russell William William William William
16/6/1767 17/10/1758 28/4/1790 14/8/1770
Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fitter Fitter Fitton Fitton Fitton Fitton Fitton Fitton Fitton Fitton
James Joseph
Esquire. Son in law to the Mayor
James Godfrey
Merchant Esquire Brewer Cooper Brewer Gentleman
17/12/1773 3/6/1777 25/7/1782 11/5/1787 28/8/1759 19/9/1777 16/12/1778
Walter Hussey
Brewer Esquire
Fitz Clarence
Lieut. Col. now (1846) Lord Frederick Fitz Clarence, natural son of William IV, by the celebrated Actress Mrs. Jordan.
Fitz Gerald Fitz Gerald Fitz Gerald Fitz Gerald Fitz Gerald Fitz Gerald Fitz Gerald
Anthony George
10/5/1725 21/10/1767
Henry Thomas
Gentleman Lieut. R.N.
Henry James
© Cork City and County Archives 2007 List of Freemen of Cork City 1710-1841 Page 60 of 187
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