Bandon Estate Office (Doherty and Jones)(Bound Volumes) U137

U137 Bandon Estate Office, Rentals and Other Volumes

©Cork City and County Archives 2013


Date: 1843 - 1852


Title: Level:

Rent Book


Extent: 18 ff Scope and Content: Fragment of rent book [no cover], with part of index [T-Z] and 18 folios noting, at top, tenant's name and amount of rent, with details of rents due and received recorded below. Name of holding/denomination not generally recorded. A note on folio seven regarding taking possession of a lot is signed by a G Thomas. Folio 8 is for 'Doctor Jagoe for Dispensary'. A loose page, apparently from this volume, possibly relating to folio 8, states regarding the account total, 'Furnished to His Lordship 14 Aug 1843'.


Date: 1845 - 1854


Title: Level:

Rent Book [Fragment]


Extent: 40 ff Scope and Content:

Fragment of rent book, running from folio 9 to 40, recording, at the top of each folio, the name of the tenant and rent due, followed by details of payments due and received. In addition to payment of rent, many folios refer to house fronts, or new house fronts. Denomination/townland names are not generally recorded, except in a few instances, eg, folio 24, the name of the tenant is followed by a placename: 'Joseph Fuller (Castle Town)'; folio 28 relates to Derrygra Bog. Notes on a few folios are initialled 'G[L]'.


Date: 1893 - 1903


Title: Level:

Rent Book



234 ff [+c100 enclosures]

Scope and Content: Simple record of rent paid, in cash, rates, or otherwise, on a weekly basis, by named tenants, over a period of years. Pages are headed with the tenant's name (eg, folio 176, 'Patrick Murray's Rent Account'), followed by a note of payment of rent, usually weekly rent, sometimes for longer periods. Holdings/denominations are not named. Many of the folios contain enclosures, the most of which are receipts for poor rates, with other receipts also occurring. Based on these, it appears most of the rent accounts relate to houses at Kilmacsimon. [The book is coverless, no spine and flaking lower left corner. Handle with care.]

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