U137 Bandon Estate Office, Rentals and Other Volumes
©Cork City and County Archives 2013
U137/CB Cash Books and other financial volumes
Title: Level: Date:
Cash Books (including Day Books, and other rent and account books)
1797 - 1900 54 volumes
Scope and Content: Cash books, day books, cash ledgers, charge books, rent account books, cash account books, and other financial volumes maintained by the Bandon Estate Office on behalf of clients, including the estate of the earl of Bandon. Cash books and day books record the collection of monies, including rents, rates, and other dues, on behalf of estates. Rent collection books and account books document aspects of the work of land agents, and of the outgoing expenses of estate work. These records complement rentals and many contain the names of tenants, suppliers, and tradesmen. They are a key record of the economic history of the agency and the estates it managed, and include many records from earlier in the nineteenth century, before the firm came into being. As with rentals, the volumes in this series have been divided into sub-series with groupings: U137/CB/A consists of volumes relating to the estate of the earl of Bandon, items 1-14 being cash books, day books, and cash ledgers (arranged chronologically), items 15-26 being rent collection and valuation books, charge and account books, and other smaller financial records of that nature. (26 items, 1823-1900) U137/CB/B consists of volumes maintained by the Bandon Estate Office relating to several estates and to separate estates (other than earl of Bandon's estate). Items 1-5 are cash books and estate account ledgers, and items 6-28 are rent and account books. Items 1, 2, and 6, are of particular interest in documenting the accounts of several estates, many of them connected to the Bernard family. (28 items, 1797-1900) 3A U137/CB/A Cash Books etc, Earl of Bandon's Estate
Title: Level: Date:
Cash Books and other financial volumes (Earl of Bandon’s Estate)
sub-series 1823 - 1900
25 items
Scope and Content: Cash books, day books, and rent account and other account books relating to the earl of Bandon's estate, maintained by Bandon Estate Office. The records document receipt and payment of monies, including rents, rates, payments to suppliers and many other financial transactions. Items 1-14 are cash books and similar records, in chronological order. Rent account and other account books and smaller records follow (15-25).
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