Cork Chamber of Commerce Descriptive List


Cork Chamber of Commerce Archives Descriptive List

9. 1971 (c200pp)

10. 1972 (c150pp)

11. 1973 (c100pp)

12. 1974 (c100pp)

13. 1975 (c100pp)

14. 1976 (c80pp)

15. 1977 (c80pp)

16. 1978 (c80pp)

17. 1979 (c100pp)

18. 1980 (c100pp)

19. 1981 (c100pp)

20. 1982 (c100pp)

21. Jan 1982 - Dec 1983 (c250pp) (Duplicate)

22. 1983 (c100pp)

23. 1984 (c100pp)

24. 1985 (c300pp)

25. 1986 (c200pp)

26. 1987 (c250pp)

27. 1988 (c200pp)

28. 1989 (c200pp)

29. 1990 (c150pp)

30. 1991 (c150pp)

31. 1992 (c200pp)

32. 1993 (c150pp)

33. 1994 (c40pp)

34. 13 Mar 1995 - 8 Mar 2004 (c1000pp)


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