City of Cork Steam Packet Co Ltd
Appendix 2 Calendar, Letters to Ships’ Captains 1844 -71 (U370/F/247)
The present calendar was originally prepared by Charlotte Steiner during a work experience placement with Cork Archives Institute in the 1980s, and was revised in 2014. At the time of its accession, the item was given the reference number U370/26. It is now referenced as U370/F/247. The letterbook contains copies of outgoing letters by the Company Secretary, Cork Steam Ship Co Ltd. LW Glover signed letters as company secretary from 1844 to 1862. George Cotter Beale signed letters as secretary from 1866 to 1871 [see description U370/F/247 above].
The calendar notes the date, captain’s name, and vessel for each letter, with a brief description of content.
The first page contains a draft circular to be issued to all newly-appointed captains, drawing their attention to circulars issued to ca ptains from time to time ‘so as to make you the more quickly acquainted with the wishes and ideas of our directors with respect to general matters and routine &c on board ships’. [It is possible that many of the copy letters in this volume were intended to be the circulars referred to, although later copy letters may have been added subsequently]
Cork, 22 November 1844
Captain Moffet
Mentions the collision of the Britannica and as a result the need for extra vigilanc e on board. Quotes extract from Directors’ proceedings.
Cork, 22 March 1845
Captain L. Pile
Refers to regular charges to be imposed on passengers and all ships for food on board.
Cork, 14 Feb 1846
Captain Mowle
Refers to ruling in the case of the collision of the Sirius, in which the Sirius sailed away without offering assistance.
Cork, 13 October 1846
Captain Parker
Letters disciplining the Captain for leaving port without waiting for the ship’s box way bill book, to the inconvenience ‘of every department of our business’.
Cork, 23 December 1846
Captain Tooker
P. Adler
Refers to Act for the regulation of steam navigation which was due to come
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