Bradford, mercht., having served Willm. Leycester, do.; Thomas Alleyri, gent. ; Thomas Biggs, of Bandon, mercht. ; the Ron. Thomas Knox ; Sam 1 • Mann, Esq., one of the land waiters of this City; John Hackett, Esq., of Clonmell; Adam Perry, gent., son of Richard P., Esq.; Richard Vowell, Esq., Surveyor General; Richard Townsend, of Pallace Town, Esq.; Revd. Forster Archer, Francis Goold, Esq. ; John Swete, of .Bandon, gent. ; Anthony Burniston, mercht.; John Unthank, mercJJ_t., be adtnitted freemen at large. It., £8 lOs. 3d. to the Execrs. of the late William Keyes, rent due to him; It., 5 guineas to the Mayor, &c., for buying clothes for Thomas Bourke. That the Ron. Peter Russell, Member of the Executive and Legislative Council, Judge of the Common Pleas, and Receiver General of Upper Canada, be admitted a freeman at large. It., £2 15s. to the Sheriffs, for the preservation of the peace on different occasions; It., £3 19s. 7!d. to James Uppington, for winding the Exchange Clock from Aug., 1790, to June, 1794; It., one guinea to William Satter- ford for a new coal-barrel adjusted for the use of this Corporation; It., £1 lOs. 4d. to Anthony Edwards, printer, for printing the Assize of Bread. Resolved, that the thanks of this Board be and are hereby given to Sheriff Evanson for his proper conduct as a Magistrate in the Execution of his duty last Saturday night. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mayor Elect, both Sheriffs; Alden. Webb, Butler, Sr. J. Franklin, Kellett, Owgan, Kingston, Harris, Shaw; Mr. Westropp, Lucas, and Jackson, C. S.. 1 Oct., 1794. That John Stockdale Bastable, druggist, a protestant stranger, be admitted free paying 208. Ordered, £14 138. 2d. to James and Henry Knight, for printing work done from 30 Dec., 1793, to 23 June, 1794; It., that every account of tradesmen employed in any business for the Corporation, shall be furnished every 6 months, at March and Sept., and those omitting to furnish shall not be paid for 12 months after, and that a copy of this order be given to each person employed ; It., £9 68. 6d. to Messrs. Daly and Travers, for stationary work from Aug. 20, 1793, to Sep. 26, 1794; It., £76 19s..7 !d. be
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