Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



from the Monday next after 29 Sep., inst., to Monday next, after 29 Sep., 1795, after the payment of the sallaries, &c., be paid into the hands of a committee of 15 to be chosen by the C. D. H. to be.applied by them as they shall see proper in the improvement of the River and Harbour, this being for the present thought the most expedient; It., that a salary of £60 out of the above fees be paid the elected W aterbailiff, also such sallary for Deputies as shall be thought expedient; It., that a posting be put up in the Exchange for electing a W&.terbailiff for one year (duties as before) who shall give two sureties for £500 to pay one half of the money collected to the Chamber- lain, the other to aforesaid committee as he shall be required. Present--Mr. Mayor, Mayor Elect, both sheriffs; Alden. Lawton, Owgan, Kingston, Harris ; Mr. Izod, Westropp, Lucas, and Jackson, C. S. 16 Sep., 1794. That Simon White, of Bantry, Esq. ; the Rt. ReYd. and Honl. Thomas Lo.-Bp. of Corke and Ross, in a Silver Box; Richard Frankland, Esq., Counc.-at-Law, a native of this City, whose shining abilities are so highly distinguished ; John William Newsom, eldest son of Solomon Moses New- som; Thomas Darold, sail-cloth manufr, having served .Julius and John Besnard, do.; Robert Ross, gent., elde8t son of Gibbs Ross, Esq.; John Townsend Jones, gent., having served Thomas Chatterton, Esq., for five years and William Honnor, Esq., two years ; Hon. Thos. Henry Forster, eldest son of Rt. Hon. John Forster ; Robert Deane, Esq., eldest son of Peter Deane, Atty.-at-Law; Saml. Falkiner, Esq., son of Sir Riggs Falkiner, Bart.; Revd. Edwd. Mitchell Carleton, son of John Carleton, Esq., of Woodside ; Richard Ward, gent, eldest son of Richd. Ward, gent; John Spiller, cooper, having served· Ferdinand Spiller, do. ; Joseph Delany,. gent., eldest son of Revd. Edward Delany, elk. ; Oliver Latham, Esq., eldest son of John L, Esq., be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that the Corporation Bond for £300. to Hans Stewart, Esq., dated 27 Feb., 1787, be taken up, and that one for £150 be passed to Mrs. Eliz. W estropp, and another for £150 to Hans Stewart, Esq., both paJll.ble · with interest at 6 per cent. That John Fitzgerald, having served George Baker and Richard Courcy, do. ; Hamilton White, Esq. ; William Longfield, of Longueville ; William

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