Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



26 Aug., 1794. The l\{ayor, &c., being advised that the suit instituted by Sir Saml. Row- land, Knt., against them cannot be detern1ined until defence shall be taken for the purpose of bringing the merits of said suit to a fair and open trial, ordered, that the Corporation Law Agent do take defence to said suit for and in the name of the Mayor,. &c., expenses out of the Corporation revenues. It having been represented to the Mayor, &c., that the wall built for the improvement of the Harbour is in a dangerous state, and will require much repair to prevent its stopping the navigation of the public channel, ordered, that the Waterbailiff's employment with the Corporation dues be set to the best bidder for one year, sealed proposals to be sent to the Mayor to be opened by the Council and Committee to be chosen in the C. D. H. in such manner as the Gateage Tolls have ·been for some time let, the taker to have a lease executed, depositing one quarter's rent with sufficient securities for the remainder, saving all the rights of the Freemen, the person appointed to collect the Chief Magistrate's dues, he or his deputy to attend the Cor- poration with the Silver Oar, &c., and that half the money so bid shall be paid the overseers for repairing said wall; It., £7 7s. 10ld. to John Crosbie, stucco man, for whitening the rooms of the Mansion House; It., £25 Os. 6d. to John Turner for painting inside and outside the Mansion House; It., £10 4s. 6!d. be paid the Mayor for small expenses at the Mansion House; It., £3 15s. 3~d. to the Mayor, expenses for the passage of several soldiers' wives left i.ri this City; It., £3 9s. 11d. to George Barber, for work done; It., 2 guineas to the Dep. Water Bailiff at Cove, for spars put up for securing the spit at Cove. Present-The Mayor, Sher. Evanson, the Mayor Elect; Alden. Webb, Owgan, Sir J. Franklin: Crawly, Harris; Mr. Izod, Westropp, Lucas, and Jackson, C. S. 9 Sep., 1794. In compliance with the requisition of the C. D. H. of 5 Sep. inst., It is ordered, that one moiety or half of the fees, dues, or perquisites of this Cor- ·poration, called Anchorage and Ballast dues, &c., as have been collected by the W aterbailiff and his Deputies, and which shall be collected by them

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