Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



\ .' q). It., £9 18s. 82d. to George Tinker, expenses for the passage of several persons to EnglanLl who were left a burden on the town, &c. ; It., £2 1s. 6d. to the adm 8 • of the late 1\fr. Andrew Peace, apothecary, for medicine sup- plied the Boys of S. Stephen's Hospital. Present-1\:fr. 1\fayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Butler, Sir J. Franklin, Puxley, Shaw; Mr. Izod, Busteed, and Perrier, C. S. 20 June, 1794. That Robert Day, Esq., one of H. M. Council-at-Law, Chairman of the Sessions of Kilmainham, be presented with his freedom in a Silver Box, as a public testimony of the high sense this Board entertains of his able, judicious, and humane conduct on his late ·visit to this City and County; also, Robert Kingsmill, Esq., Rear Admiral of H. M. Red Squadron, and Com.-in-Chief of the Fleet now on this station, in a Silver Box. That Abraham Lane, Esq., eldest son of Richard Lane; Revd. John Webb, eldest son of Ald. John Webb; Mark Carew, gent., of Gurranes, and John Swete, Esq., be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that £53 2s. 5d. be paid Wm. Jones, Town Clerk, his account from June, 1793, to June, 1794; It., £1 2s. 1d. to Edmond Westcomb, Exchange Porter, for the use of the Council Chamber, from Sep., 1793; to ----_May, 1794. "'-That Henry Hardy, gent., eldest son of Simeon Hardy, mercht.; William '· '· Busteed, gent., eldest son of Francjs B., common brewer; Henry Baldwin, of Mount Pleasant, Esq., eldest son of Walter B., Esq., dec.; Richard Chinnery /<: gent.; Riversham Harman, mariner; Thomas ~gent.; Robert Max- well, of Charleville, gent. ; Revd. Richard Meade, of Ballymartle, be admitted freemen at large. Also Maj. Gen. Stewart, Com. of H.M. forces in ~funster, X in a Sil!~:_ -~ox. Ordered, that £4 2s. 4d. be paid Messrs. Alexander and Johnson, expended by them on the Guards in the year 1793 at the Fairs ; It., £4 Os. 4d. to said Johnson and Alexander for do. in 1794. Present-the Mayor and Sheriffs ; Alden. Butler, Evanson, Harris; Mr. Lucas, and Perrier, C. S. 25 July, 1794. Whereas an application has been made against the Mayor and Sheriffs, and they have been served with an order forth of H. M. Court of Common

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