Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



14 Feb., 1794. Ordered, that £10 9s. 10d. be paid Mr. James Magrath, for instructing the boy£ of S. Stephen's Hospital to sing. This Board having taken into consideration the letter from the President of the Committee of Merchants, inclosing a very respectable application signed by the principal merchants of this City, signifying it to be their wish that the Freedom of this Corporation should be given to Saml. New- port, Esq., of Waterford, ordered, that he be admitted a freeman ; also, that John Baker, gent., eldest son of George B., cooper ; Revd. Mountiford Long- field, Clk. ; J·ames Chatterton, Jun., Esq., eldest son of Thomas C., Esq. ; Michrel Rogers, Esq., eldest son of Noblett R., Esq.; Leonard Morse, Esq., F.R.S., at the request of Sir Will. Clark, late Sheriff; John Wigmore, Mas- ter Buqder, at the request of John Shaw, Esq., late Mayor; Revd. Edward Delany, at the request of John Forster, Esq., late Sheriff; George C01lett, , ............ ---·;--- ..._._.. .. _ ironmonger, at the request of the Mayor ; Nathaniel Evanson, of Four --·-·-- Mile Water, Esq., at the request of Sheriff Evanson ; Michael Rochford, J·un., of Limerick, mercht., at the request of Sheriff' Lane; Richard Thomas Orpin, Esq., of Frankford, and Silva.!!us Moriarty, Esq., Regulating Captain r-:-::--:--.~-....::....:__ of the Navy, now in this City, be admitted freemen at large. We, the Mayor, &c., appoint Martin Mahony, of Blackpool, comber, of S. Ann's Shandon parish, to be valuator under the .Act for the regulation of this City. Whereas a dist1ingas at the suit of Sir Saml. Rowland, Knt., against the Mayor, &c., dated 23 ~anY. last, returnable in 15 days of Easter, and marked £2000, has been laid before this board, ordered, that it be referred to the C. D. H. whether it be defended or not. Present-Mr. Mayor and Sheriffs;· .Alden. Lawton, Butler, SirS. Rowland, Kingston, Crowly, Harris, Shaw; Mr. Izod, Busteed, and Perrier, C. S. 18 .J.l!arch, 1794. That Heyward: St. Leger, Esq., eldest son of Heyward St. L., be admitted .a freeman at large. Ordered, that £8 16s. 5~d. be paid Denis Driscol, printer, for work done. N.B.-" As long as I have been a member of Council I never knew ' ' b~fore this day, a single instance of the .consideration of any business

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