PROPOSALS FOR COMPLETING THE FOWL :MARKET. 1089 William Rickotts, mercht., eldest son of 'Viii. R., do. ; Marcus Lynch, Jun., mercht., eldest son of .1\fu.reu, L., do. ; ,John Williams, mercht., having served Henry Sadlier, do. ; Edward Scott, elJest son of Edward S., gent., dec., be admitted freemen at large. It., £3 5s. 7!d. to the Church Wardens of S. Peter's parish, for minister's money for the Mansion House. Present-Mr. Mayor and Sheriffs; ~<\.lden. Lawton, Kent, SirS. Rowland, Kingston, Harris, Shaw, Webb; Mr. Izod, Westropp, BusteeJ, and Perrier, c. s. 21 Jan., 1794. Ordered, that Mr. Kent buy 100 barrels of coals; It., £4 ls. lOid. to ---p ----· Marmaduke Osborne, hatter, for hats supplied the Trumpeter and Mayor's 't}(: Constable, in the years 1787 and 1788; It., £!6 7s. 6!d. to Sam•. Hobbs, repairs at Blackpool Market, to prevent their falling; It., £6 16s. 5d. to John Turner, glazier, for work done; It., £10 Os. 9d. to James and Henry Knight, printers, for work done; It., £5 11s. 11d. to Henry Knight, stationer, his account ; It., one guinea to James Triggs, for keeping in repair the bells of the Mansion House. We the Mayor, &c., appoint Florence John Scannell and John Power, merchts., inhabitants of S. Mary Shandon, in place of John Cole, Jun., and . Francis Joon Scannell, who do not reside in said parish, and Martin Mahony, of Blackpool, comber, of S. Mary's parish, in the pla~e of John Manders, who has been excused for want of health to be valuators for the purposes of an Act for the regulation of the City of Corke, &c.; It., £76 8s. 9d. to Ald. Hugh Lawton, to provide 15 curled hair matrasses and 15 bolsters, 15 green red rugs and 15 pair of blankets, for the use of the Boys inS. Stephen's Hospital, pursuant to estimate, to be charged on the loan, &c. The Mayor having advertised to receive sealed proposals wjth a plan and estimate for building an addition to the Fowl Market, and the Mayor having received a plan, &c., for compleating said work, which estimate amounts to £278 11s. 4d., ordered, that said plan be laid before the C. D. H., and if approved, that said sum be paid out of the Corporation revenues. Present--Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Butler, Lawton, Kent, King- ston ; Mr. Izod, Busteed, and Perrier, C. S. 137
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