" On this occasion, at the same time that I declare my fullest assent to the requisition from the Commons to this Board, in favour of John Shaw, Esq., late Mayor, for one hundred guineas, to be expended on a piece of plate with a suitable inscription, I feel it peculiarly incumbent on me to express something further than merely giving a vote, having personally felt the highest satisfaction on retiring from the office of Chief Magistrate, in being honoured by the Commons with a similar testimony of their very flattering approbation of my conduct, and tho' their efforts were strenuous to carry their resolution into complete effect, yet the hostile and ungenerous proceedings of Council have frustrated their kindest and best intentions towards me; but the Record remaining, which cannot be effaced from the C. D. H. book, that such honourable requisition has been preferred by the Commons in my behalf, is amply gratifying to me, and leaves a deep and grateful impression on my mind, and ill it would become me (was I in- clined to do so) after experiencing so marked a proof of the friendship and esteem, to oppose in this Assembly, from narrow, selfish motives of jealousy, envy, or resentment, the requisition now made by the Commons in favour of a person so highly deserving as our late Mayor, who (during the course of a most trying year of public calamity and distress) has discharged the duties of his office with much honour to himself and great advantage to his Fellow Citizens. I therefore give it my warmest support. " SAMU:EL ROWLAND." "Mansion House, N ovemb. 20, 1793." Present--The Mayor, Sher. Evanson and Lane; Alden. Lawton, Rowland, Kingston, Crowly, Harris, Shaw; Mr. Izod, Busteed, Perrier, C. S. 10 Dec., 1793. Ordered, that Mr. Joseph Bennett Wakeham be appointed to the sweep- ing of the streets from the height of l\1allow Lane to North Bridge, and from the Bridewell to the Routh end of the Corn Market. It., 4 guineas to Thomas Owgan, Esq., half a year's rent of a coach-house held with the Mansion House; It., £635 to the Mayor, in addition to £365 by the C. D. H. . That John Cuthbert, Sen., mercht., having served John Cuthbert and Richard Hare, do.; Hugh Lawton, Jun., gent., eldest son of Will. L.;
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