Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



19 Sep., 1793. Ordered, that £14 5s. 11d. be paid Philip Bennett, .Apothecary, for medicines for the Boys of S. Stephen's Hospital, from 28 Sep., 1792, to 8 July, 1793, to be charged on the loan; It., £16 lOs. to said Bennett for two years and three quarters' attendance on said Boys ; It., £65 5s. 6d. to Saml. Hobbs, carpenter, for work done; It., £4 108. to Saml. Hobbs, slater, for tyler's work done at the Mansion House; It., £36 108. 2a. to Sir Will. Clark, expenses paid by him to the 1\Iilitary and sus- tenance for a Military guard at the time of the riots in Nov. last ; It., £43 18s. 8d. to the Mayor for expenses of a guard at the Mansion House, &c. ; It., £1 78. 2d. to Edward Westcomb, 'Change keeper; It., £3 8s. 91d. to Sheriff Foster, for lodging for the officers of the Blackpool guard; It., £1 12s. 6d. for a fortnight's lodging for the officer of the Shandon guard ; It., £13 18. 3d. to Eugene Daly, for stationary; It., £3 5s. to Mr. .Abbott Trayer, for inserting in the Dublin Evening Post resolutions of the City of Corke; It., £89 5s. 3jd. to Messrs. Shaw and Evanson for cloathing for the Bellmen, Sargeants, Bailiffs, and Trumpeters; It., £381ls. lOjd. to William Flaherty, mason, work done ; It., £5 17 s. 9d. to Sam I. Hobbs, carpenter, for roofing and slating the necessary house at Blackpool guard; It., £4113s. 8jd., £13 88. 7d., and £10 28. 10d., making £65 58. lid. to James and Henry Knight, printers' work done from 2 .Aug., 1792, to 24 Jan., 1793 ; It., £7 38. 7d. to said J. and H. Knight for printing advertisement of requisitions of the Sheriffs for public meetings and resolutions of the meeting; It., £6 168. 6d. to Sheriff Forster for two Centry boxes for the use of the Cor- poration ; It., £63 12s. 4jd. to Sir John Franklin for 205 of Flag stones and 100 yards of ridge stones paid to Will Casan for the New Markets ; It., £13 18. 7!d. to Walter Hussey Fitton for 6 new coal barrels and 5 quarter Barrels ; It., that the Mayor, Sheriffs, C. S., for the time being, Sir John Franklin, Mr. Busteed, and Kellett be a committee for inspecting Corpora- tion works ; It., that the same be a committee to inspect tradesmen's accounts ; It., that for the future no account of expenditure for any work done shall pass the Board unless authenticated by the persons to whom such account is due by his producing a written order from the Mayor, &c., Sheriffs, or one of the Committee appointed to examine Tradesmen's accounts; It., that no work to be executed for the Corporation, exceeding 5 guineas, shall be undertaken without advertising and receiving proposals from such

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