Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Present-l\fr. Mayor, Sheriffs Sir Will. Clarke and Foster, the late ~fayor; Alden. Owgan, Kent, Sir J. Franklin, Sir Saml. Rowland; Mr. Izod, Westropp, and Busteed, C. S. 22 Nov., 1792. Ordered, that £100 be paid to the Mayor and Sheriffs, as the Corporation subscriptions to the Collector for giving prmniums to the persons bringing meal and potatoes to our Markets for sale; It., that an application be made to Government, praying, that they should direct a general embargo to be ~'.laid on the exportation of wheat, oats, oatmeal, flour, and potatoes; It., £100 to the Mayor and Sheriffs, to be paid to the gentlemen who shall be appointed for managing the subscription, for importing coals to supply the poor of this City as the Corporation subscription to that fund; It., that the application for an en1bargo be signed by the Mayor, Sheriffs, and C. S., in the name and on behalf of this Council. Present--Mr. Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Owgan, Kent, Morrison, Sir S. Rowland, Sir J. Franklin, Kingston, Crowly; Mr. Izod, Busteed, Evanson, C. S.~ and W estropp. 28 Jan., 1793. That Lieut.-Col. Saml. Wilday Robarts, who commands the Garrison, as a public testimony of our gratitude for his great exertions in assisting the magistrates to preserve the peace of this City; It., Major Wm. McMyne, who commanded the 58 Regt. when lately quartered in this City (for similar services), and Hon. Henry Skeffington, Governor of Cork, be pre- sented with their freedoms. Ordered, that Mr. Kent buy 100 barrels of coals; It., that £230 be paid Sir Sam 1• Rowland for his expenses in going to Dublin on the business of the Weigh l[ouses. That John Lander, gent., having served John Bastable, gent., be admitted a freeman. It., 4 guineas to Ald. Owgan, one year's rent of a Coach House for the Mansion House; It., £10 to Henry Townsend Daly, for calculating the middle price of corn and making returns for the necessary calculations for striking the assize of bread; It., £635 to the.Mayor in addition to £365 Yoted for him in the C. D. H.

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