Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



continue until .sunrise, from 1 ~ct. to 1 June, with a sufficient quantity of good wiek and oil, and we fix 7 s. to be paid for erecting each of said lamps, and 16s. for lighting each of said lamps, making on the whole £36 l6s., and we appoint Bradshaw Popham and William Alexander, Lamp Contractors, for erecting, cleansing, &c., said lamps. It., That the weights and scales necessary for the South Meat Market be provided by the Mayor ; It., that 50 guineas be paid Mrs. Snowe, for the purchase of her interest in a cellar on Haman's Marsh, held by the Co!poration, on making out a proper title. . Present-The Mayor, Sher. Sadlier; Alden. Webb, Sir J. Franklin, Sir Sam I. Rowland; Mr. Izod, Busteed, Lucas, and Evanson, C. S. 29 Oct., 1792. John Shaw, Esq., Mayor. The Mayor and Sheriffs sworn of the Cotincil. Ordered, that £1 ls. ld. be paid Edward Westcomb, keeper of the Exchange, for small articles supplied. This Board being informed that the Rt. ~on. John Lord Fitz Gibbon, Lord Chancellor, is expected shortly to arrive in the neighbourhood of this City, and wishing to pay him the respect due his exalted station, Resolved, that the .Dep. Recorder, Sir William Clarke, Knt., and John Foster, Sheriffs of this City, attended by the Town Clerk, on his lordship's arrival present him with the following address : · To the Rt. Hon. John Lord Fitz Gibbon, Lord High Chancellor of Ire- land. " The Mayor, Sheriffs, and Common .Council of the City of Corke beg leave to express their great satisfaction at your Lordship's arrival in this VICinage. They are highly sensible of the many essential benefits derived to. this kingdom by your Lordship's unwearied attention to, and most honourable and praise worthy exertions in the due and faithful adminis- tration of Public Justice, and are happy in being able to congratulate; themselves and their count-ry in se~ing such great legal abilities united with dignity and honour, and the most upright and unbiMsed integrity." It., that the Sheriffs do in the most respectful manner request his Lord- ship will honour this Corporation with hi'J company at dinner, on such day X as he shall be pleased to appoint. 136

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