Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



to let the stalls of the New Meat Market, which are now unset,.to the best tenants that shall offer by proposals, and the making a new law to that effect was proposed at the last Council. It is therefore ordained, &c., that the several stalls in the Meat Market, now unset, shall be let by the Mayor, &c., to the best tenants, who shall offer by proposals, after ten days public notice, for any term not exceeding seven years, &c. It., £2 128. 11d. to John Warner, silversmith, for a Silver Box presented to Sir George Montgomery, and for mending the Maces. That John Church, jun., mercht., eldest s?n of John C., do.; Robert Richardson, mercht., a protestant §.t~!lger, paying 208. ; Philip Donovan, • gent., having served W m. Jones ; Richard Townshend Herbert, Esq., M.P. ; William Moore Hodder, Esq.; Richard Longfield Swayne, mercht., having served John Swayne, do., be admitted freemen at large. .A number of Freemen and other Inhabitants of this City being of opinion, that from the very great increase thereof, as well as of the inhabitants therein, that several of the laws for the regulation, good government and improvement of this City 1·equire alteration, and in some cases new Laws are necessary. This Board is of opinion, that the best mode of effecting these salutary purposes will be by appointing a committee to revise the present Laws and report what new Laws they think neces- sary, &c. Present--Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. "\Vebb, Lawton, Kent, Sir J. Rowland, Kingston, Harris, Kellett, Crowly ; Mr. Izod, Lucas, Busteed, and Evansvn, C. S. 7 Sep., 1792. Ordered, that no work of any kind, except of immediate necessity or small work, be executed on account of the Corporation, nor will this Board make any order to pay for any such work unless a voucher under the hands of the Mayor and Sheriffs for the time being, or under the hands ·of the Committee to be chosen for that purpose shall be produced for .the doing such work, payment to be applied for to this Board ; and .further, that all persons doing work on account of the Corporation furnish their accounts twice every year previous to 25 March and 29 Sep. · It., that Sir J. Franklin, Sir Saml. Rowland, and .Ald. Crowly be a committee for direct- ing all such work, to 29 Sep., .1793 ; It., that the Mayor, Sheriffs, and

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