Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



It., That 100 barrels of coals be bought by Mr. Kent. Present-The Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Butler, Lawton, Owgan, Kent, _ Kingston; Mr. Busteed, Lucas, and Evanson, C. S. 28 Aug., 1792. Ordered, that £3 4s. 5!d. be paid Charles McCarthy, house-carpenter, for work done; It., that a posting be put up in the Exchange for electing a Waterbailiff for one year; It., £50 to Cornelius Sweeny, being th_e reward offered by the Mayor, &c., for apprehending Jeremiah. Geany; It., £33 16s. 4!d. to Robt. Reeves, Agent in Dublin, for business done. That the Ron. Christ. Rely Hutchinson; Lieut. John Perry, 56 Reg. of Foot; John Leslie, Esq., Counc.-at-Law; Richard Digby, Inercht.; Heyward Gillman Lucas, gent. ; Joseph Spearing, mariner ; Nicholas Martin, of Ross, co. Galway, Esq.; Humphry Aldridge Woodward, of Dublin, Esq.; Peter Maturin, of Dublin, Esq. ; Stephen Dorman, gent. ; Anthony Perrier, mercht., having served Thomas Burnett, do.; Francis Busteed, gent.; Christ. Aldworth, Esq. ; Michrel Quarry, cotton manufacturer, be admitted freemen at large. It is propm;ed tQat a new Bye-Law be enacted for letting ·the stalls in the New Meat Markets, for any term not exceeding seven years, by pro- posals, and leases executed to the takers. Present--Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Webb, Butler, Lawton, Kent, Busteed, Lucas Kingston, Kellett; Mr. Izod, and Evanson, C. S. 18 Sep., 1792. Ordered, that £10 4s. 9d. be paid "\Valter Hussey Fitton, for making 18 quarter coal barrels; It., £20 to said Fitton, for one year's care of Coal Barrels; It., £22 18s. 4!d. to James and Henry Knight, for printing-work; It., £40 7s. lOd. to John Turner, glazier, for work done; It:, £146 14s. O!d. to William Flyn, printer, his account from 6 April, 1789, to 17 Sep., . 1792. Whereas, by a Bye-Law confirmed 5 Feb., 1721, it was enacted, that for the time to come no grant, &c., should be made of any lands, &c., of this Corporation, unless there be first ten days public notice given on some public place of the New Exchange ; and whereas it is thought expedient

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