his secu/ring the punctual payment thereof to the approbation of the }.fayor, &c. Present -l\1r. }.fayor, Sher. Sadlier; Alden. Lawton, Owgan, Sir J. Franklin, Sir S. Rowland, Kingston, Harris, and l\1r. Lane, C. S. 16 J.:!aTch, 1-792. Ordered, that the ground whereon the dwelling-house, lately inhabited by }.ir. John Nicolson, stood, situate in Castle Street, and which is now held by the Mayor, &c., for about 40 years, be taken by the Mayor, &c., for such term as shall be agreed on at a yearly rent not exceeding 6 pounds over the present rent; and as soon after such lease shall be obtained said ground shall be set up by public auction for 500 years, at a yearly rent not less than 25s. a foot, under such restrictions as the adjoyning lots of ground to the eastward were let, the taker to pay a fine of 60 guineas to be applied towards the discharge of the purchase of their present interest. Whereas, on the 17 J nne, 1791, the Commons directed a petition to be presented to the Council to make a Bye-Law for letting the Gateage Toll, dues, and Customs for one year, from 29 Sep., 1791, to 29 Sep., 1792, by the Mayor, receiving written proposals to be afterwards referred to a com- mittee of twelve to be chosen in the C. D. H., to join with the Common Council; and whereas the Common Council, on such petition being pre- sented, did on 15 July, 1791, enact a Bye-Law agreeable thereto, which was agreed to by the C. D. H., on 26 July, 1791, and whereas from the effect of said Bye-Law the Common Council have thought it an expedient and wholesome Bye-J..aw to be continued for one year, from 29 Sep., 1792, to 29 Sep., 1793. The Mayor proposes ·same to be determined on at the next Common Council, and if approved of to be then confirmed by a C. D. H. It., That £100 be paid to Sir Saml. Rowland, for his expenses in going twice to Dublin to solicit Parliament for a restoration of the rights of the Corporation to the Weigh Houses of this City. Present-The Mayor, Sher. Sadlier ; Alden. Lawton, Kent, Kellett, Sir J. Franklin, Kingston, Harris ; Mr. Lucas and Lane, C. S. 30 March, 1792. It was this day enacted, that the New Bye-Law for lettina the Gateaae J 0 0 and other Tolls, by :Proposals, be continued from Sep;, 1792, to Sep., 1793.
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