Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That Pierce Purcell of Altarnira, Co. Cork, gent.'. brother-in-law to the Mayor, be admited a freeman at large. • It., £13 lOs. to Mr. Christ. Allen for brick for the new Markets; It., £10 18s. 6d. to the l\1ayor for sundries paid by him at the Mansion House; It., .£2 l4s. 2d. to John Raymond~ a peace officer, expenses at searching for ' stolen plate by o.rder of the Mayor. That George White, mariner, eldest son of Joseph W., do. ·; Edward .Allen, J'un, shipwright, having served Edward Allen, do., be admitted free, It., £15 18s. 6d. .. to Stephen Rossiilgton Elms, for 14 months' returns of all ships arriving in the vort of Corke from 1 July, 1790, to. 1 Sep., 1791·; It., £29 lOs. lOd. to John Turner, plumber, for lead·a1_1d Copper for the New Markets; It., £28 l8s. lid. to Mich::ei Brien for hewn stone done at the New Markets ; It., that the Committee for the inspection of S. Stephen's Hospital be requested to make their reports. Present--Mr. Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Lawton, Morrison,.Sir J. Frank lin, SirS. Rowland; Mr. Izod,.Carleton, and Lane, C. S.

17 Nov.~ 1791.. ~enry Puxley, Esq., Mayorr.


This Board having taken into consideration the representations made by the Bakers of the very great additional expenses they are at for harm, fuel, and journeymen's wages, above what they were at when the present allow- ance was appointed. to be made to.the bakers, as well as the great expense above what they.were at formerly in preparing the corn fit to make bread. We, the Mayor, &c., do hereby in. pursuance of the powers vested in us by law, make the bakers a further allowance of 2s. a quartern on every quartern of wheat baked into bread . in said city, and the suburbs and liberties thereof, for sale over and above the present allowan~e made to them to continue during the pleasure of this Board only. Present--The Mayor, Sheriff Sadlier; Alden: Lawton, Owgan, Kerit, ·Kellett, Crowly, and Mr. Lane, C. S.. . 3 Feb., 1792·. Ordered, that a bond passed to Kevan Izod, Esq., for the sum of £100 be taken up, and a new Bond passed by the Mayor, &c., to Mrs. Mary Travers,

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