Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



ending said cause, and as there is no money in hands to pay said 25li. 13s. ster., it is agreed that if said sum be not paid by the Corporation to said John Coppinger, by Midsummer day next, some lands or tenements belong- ing to the Corporation, whereof Coppinger shall make choise, shall be mort- gaged unto him for the said sum, under the Corporation seal " Part of the Colledge is mortgaged for this sum and more to said Mr. John Copping~r." (Note on margin.) 18 May, 1618. A Jury empannelled the 29 April, to try a controversy of mears and bounds, between the messuage of James Gallwey fz. John on the south, and the messuage of Phillip Gold fz. Gerrett on the north.

Christopher Gallwey, gent. Patrick Lavallin, gent. John Colman, gent. William Gormoghane, mason. Robert Barvane, mason. Morice Lyan, mason.

Mr. Dominick Roch, Ald. John Verdon, gent. John Arthoure, gent. Patrick Miagh, gent. Edmond Martell, gent. James Morogh, gent.

We find that the stone wall Df lime and stone of two feet eight inches thick, whereon the houses of Philip Gold and James Gallwey are erected, is a party wall, viz., moitie to the one and moitie to the other; and that a line is to be cast from the west end of that wall in the midst unto the wall of lime and stone adjoining to the slipp on the west, the line to be fixed 16 inches to the northward of the south corner of the said wall by the slipp, and as the said line will cut, the same to stand for a meare between the said parties, and to build thereupon either in partnership or otherwise, as they shall agree upon according to the ancient custom of this city. That the five hogsheads of Gascoyne wine prizage. which came to the Corporation, and which is in the hands of John Arthor, Chamberlayne, is sold to Adam Gold, Speaker, for 45s. the hogshead, provided he retail the same at 3d. the quarter, and make present payment for the wines to the Chamberlayne. 10-2

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