• THE HOUSES IN CASTLE STREET TO BE OF EQUAL HEIGHT AND UNIFORM. 1067 old meat Shambles, be also set for 900 years, and that said premises be set up at £282, and that the Mayor, &c., shall execute proper deeds, and further that the buildings to be erected to the front of said ground, shall be so erected as to leave Castle Street 32 feet wide, and of equal height with the houses now building by Mr. John Shaw in said street, and the ground floor of equal height and uniformity with that of Mr. Shaw's houses, and that the lower part of the windows of the second floor shall range with Mr. Shaw's windows; It., that the interest in the House, &c., called the Phrenix Tavern, agreed to be taken from Sir Robert Warren, Bart., and .Aug. Warren, Esq., for 990 years, be set by .Auction, the purchaser undertaking to pay the arrear of rent due therout ; It., that the shop now held by Michrel Mathews, at a yearly rent of £4 19s., be let for 900 years, and that the Mayor, &c., shall execute a lease to the person taking, who shall enter into covenant to erect an office for the Town Clerk, and not shut up the lights in his present office, or Exchange, or Council Chamber, or injure those in the Mayor's office but as little as may be ; It., that the Mayor, Sher. Fergusson, Sir John Franklin, and C. S. be a committee to examine the different accounts now in the hands of the Mayor, and also the last month's accounts of the Water Bailiff. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sir H. Hayes; .Alden. Lawton, Kent, Sir J. Franklin, Sir Saml. Rowland, Kingston ; Mr. .Sadlier, C. S., and Sh~r. Fergusson. 24 June, 1791. Ordered, that £57 78. 2ld. be paid Hugh Lawton, Esq., Master of S. Stephen's Hospital, money paid by him for the use of said Hospital from 11 Oct., 1786, to 28 tTan., 1791; It., £10 28. 6d. to Saml. Hobbs, tyler, for painting the Corn Market; It., £15 68. 10!d. to Messrs. Jones and Co., for printing work ; £41 148. 2d. to Messrs. Izod and Lumley, for candles ; It., £3 188. 7d. to Thomas Jones, for carpetting for the Mayor's seat inS. Peter's Church; It., £27 98. 9ld. to George Barber, for money paid; It., £34 38. 51 d. to Saml Hobbs, carpenter, for work done; It., £33 28. 6d. to Messrs. Hugh, Jameson, and Sons, for flag stones for the Fish Market; It., £96 98. 6d. to Messrs. lzod and Co., for timber; It., £40 to Walter Hussey Fitton, for repairing, &c., the Coal Barrels for two years ; It., £40 48. 3d. to George Barber, money for necessaries at the Mansion House; It., £26 138. Bd. to - - - --····-..._ 134-2
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