Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



22 .April, 1791. Ordered, that the security of the late Ald. Travers be released from the obligation entered into by him for the Alderman's performance of the duty of his office, and the bond cancelled. On the report of our delegate, Sir Saml. Rowland, ordered, that Thomas '-./'Hackett, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, be presented with his freedom in a Silver A Box, in grateful testimony of his very able and disinterested exertions as Council at the Bar of the House of Commons, in defence of the rights of this Corporation respecting the W eighmastership of this City ; It., That the Corporation interest in the ground immediately back of the.dwelling house of the late J. Bardin, bookseller, and also behind that of Ann Wherland, and the ground whereon Henry Knight's house stood, with the ground behind said Knight's house, which was part of the late Meat Market, be assigned over to Cooper Penrose, John Anderson, John Shaw, Andrew White, James Bonwell, Marcus Lynch, and Sam 1 • McCall, Esqr., trustees of the Subscribers for building a new Coffee house, subject to the several leases, rents~ &c., due to the respective landlords, &c., said trustees building proper offices for the public officers_ of the Corporation, agreeable to pro- posals, &c.; It., that the dwelling house formerly the Phcenix Tavern, with the yard, &c., be assigned to said trustees on the like conditions, saving so much of the said yard as will give light to the Town .Clerk's office; It., that the interest in the shop and bulk now occupied by Michrel Mathews, book- seller, be assigned to said Trustees paying £5 per annum, and also satisfy- ing Mathew's interest therein. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheri~s; Alden. Webb, Owgan, Kent, Sir Saml. Rowland, Sir J. Franklin, Kingston, Purcell, Crowly; Mr. Busteed and Sadlier, C. S. 26 May, 1791. Ordered, that the terms and interest of the Corporation in the ground purchased by them from the late Mr. William Keyes, bounded on the East by Mr. Wherland's dwelling house, and on the West by the passage leading into the old Meat Market, be set up by Auction, and that the ground back of the aforesaid ground, and also that back of the dwelling house of Mrs. Ann Wherland, and also of the late John Bardin, which was part of the

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