6 April~ 1791. Mr. Christopher Lawton was sworn~ meml::er of the Coun.cit Ordered, that a pension of £20 be paid to Mrs. ~1ehetable Travers, widow ,., of the late John Travers, Esq., Ald. of this City; I(--- that Mrs. Mehetable . Travers do provide lodgings for the Judges of Assize in an eligible and proper situ;:ttion, and that she be paid £60 per annum for same. That Robert Travers, Esq., eldest son of the late Ald. John Travers, dec., be admitted·a freeman at large. . It., That a posting be put up in the Exchange, for electing a Water Bailiff, on 16 April, to hold same till 29 Sep. next, giving security. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; .Alden. Webb, Owgan, Kellett, .Sir J. Fra:nklin, Purcell, Crowly; Mr. Izod, Westropp, Busteed, Lawton, and Sadlier, C. S. 12 April, 1791. Ordered, that Sir John Franklin, Ald. Crowly, Mr. Izod, and· C. S. be a committee to confer with the Committee appointed by the Subscribers for building a new Coffee House, and to consider the proposals and plans for sanle. That John Labarte, of Corke, mereht., at the request of the late Mayor, John Falvey, ·Esq., Coune.-at-Law; Revd. Richard Carey, of Cion- mel ; Thomas Gibbins, gent. ; James Wise:, tanner; Edward Deane Free· man, Esq. ; William Chetwind, Esq. ; Anthony Botett, Esq. ; J oha Rowand, mercht.; Emanuel Hutchins, of Ballyleeky, Esq.; John Church, :mercht. ; Joseph Deyas,. cooper, having serv.ed .Andrew_Hill, do •. ; Philip Cross, Esq., eldest son of Philip C., Esq., dec.; Silvanus Nash, Cotton manufacturer, having served Henry Sadlier, do. ; John Ford, cooper, having served Thomas· Garde, do. ; John Barry Carleton, Esq., eldest son of John Carleton, of Woodside, Esq. ;- Richard Dodd, W oolcomber, having served George Newenh.am,. jun., do./ Edward Daly, Woolcomber, having served said Newenham; James Willis, mercht., a. forei.mt Protestant, .on payment of 20s:; William.Bleasby, chandler, freemen at large. · Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fergusson, and Sir H.· B; Hayes ; .Alden. Webb, Owgan, Sir. J. Franklin, Purcell, Crawly; Mr.. Izod, Westropp, Busteed, lawton, and Sadlier, C. S. - · 134
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