Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



J. Franklin, Sir Saml. Rowland, and Mr. Willcocks, be a committee to attend the setting of the above Tolls; It., £17 8s. 5d. to Robt. Reeves, Esq., Corporation Agent in Dublin, for business done; It., £54 12s. 4d. to Mr. Jones, town clerk, for his account from July, 1789, to July, 1790; It., £6 ls. 1 O!d. to Edmond Roche Kinselagh, Esq., Sword Bearer, from 1784 to this time; It., that a posting be put up on the Exchange for electing a W aterbailiff for one year. On account of the inability of the Mayor to go down the river, to com- memorate the anniversary of 1 Aug., the public celebration thereof is dis- pensed with. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mayor Elect, Sher. Johnson; Alden. TraversJ Owgan, SirS. Rowland; Mr. Willcocks and Sadlier, C. S. 30 Aug., 1790. Humphry Crowly, Esq., Mayor. Whereas, by the death of the Rt. W orshippfull ~Harding, Esq., ·late Mayor, no contract could be entered into for lighting the Lamps, &c., it is now necessary to make this further order for that purpose (conditions same as those of 23 July), and we further fix the sum of £43 6s. 8d. be paid for providing new Globe Heads for 400 of said lamps at the further sum of £20 yearly ; It., £60 for painting the Mansion House inside and outside, under the direction of the Mayor, Mayor Elect, Sheriffs, Ald. Kent, and C. S. ; It., 6 guineas, for colouring and repairing the front of the Mansion House, to William Mara; lt., £15 5s. 8d. to said Mara, for whiten- ing the inside of the Mansion House; It., £16 9s. to the Mayor Elect, for carpetting for two rooms in the Mayoralty ; It., £40 for curtains for the beds and w!ndows, repairing bedsteads, globes, &c., for the Mayoralty; It., £7 8s. 3d. to James Fitzgerald, for papering the Mayoralty House. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding; Alden. Webb~ Lawton, Owgan, Kent, Kellett, Sir S. Rowland, Kingston, Purcell ; Mr. Willcocks, and Sadlier, C. S. 3 Sep., 1790. Ordered, that £250 be paid Miss Mary Ann Harding, daughter of Henry Har~g, Esq., late Mayor, who died in office. Present--The Mayor and Sheriffs; Ald. Kingston and C. S.

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