It., £49 3s. 11 !d. to Mr. John Shaw, interest due to him on the money agreed to be given him for the purchase of his interest in Castle Street. Present--Mr. Mayor, Shel'. Johnson; Alden. Webb, Travers, Owgan, Sir J. Franklin, Purcell; Mr. Izod, Willcocks, Coles, Piersy, C. S. 23 April, 1790. That Abraham Jackson, cooper, having served Francis Jackson, do. ; Robert Jackson, Esq., eldest son of Robert Jackson, of Grange, in the King's Co., Esq. ; John Blennerhassett, Esq., eldest son of William Blennerhassett, Esq. ; William Markham, Esq., eldest son of Thomas Markham, mercht. ; Thomas Beale, gent., eldest son of George Beale; William Wise, eldest son of Francis Wise, tanner; Joseph Harvey,_ eldest son of Reuben Har- vey, mercht.; Peter Cambridge, mercht., eldest son of Peter Cambridge, mercht., dec.; GeQrge Vesey, Esq., eldest son of Francis Vesey, Esq.; Revd. · Edwd. Herbert, Clk., eldest son of Edward Herbert, Esq., dec.; John Bass, Jun., having served Philip and Aylmer Allen, brewers ; Sam I. Perry, Esq., eldest son of Will. Perry, Esq.; Saml. Richard Perry, Esq., eldest son of Richd. Perry, Esq.; Edward Hoare, Esq., eldest son of Robt. Hoare, Esq. of Factory Hill ; Francis Adams, J un, victualler, eldest son of Francis Adams, do. ; Francis Archer White, Esq., eldest son of Ephraim White, grocer; William Robert Adams, mercht., having served Jonathan Adams, do.; Sam I. Townsend, Esq., eldest son of Edward Townsend, ·of Whitehall, Esq.; William Harding, gent., eldest son of Robt. Harding of Droumsallagh, co. · Limerick, gent.; John Fair, cooper, having served Ferdinand Spiller, do.; Montgomery Jennings, mercht., having served Paul Baker, do.; Edward Collis, Esq.; Rely Hutchinson O'Connor, gent., having served J am 8 • O'Con- nor, Esq., Atty.-at-Law; John Godwin, eldest son of John Godwin, chandler; John _Gustavus Crosbie, Esq., eldest son of Charles Crosbie, Esq.; Richard Boles, Esq., eldest son of Thomas Boles,Esq.; Abraham Lane, mercht., having served Peter Johnson, do. ; James Butler Stopford, eldest son of Rev. James Stopford, dec.; Solomon Harris, mercht., having served George Newsom, do.; Alexander Hamilton, Esq., eldest son of Hon. Baron Hamilton ; Jonas Travers, gent., eldest son of Jonas Travers, Esq. ; John Stammers, shipwright, having served Kyrle Ward, do. ; William Simmons, shipwright, having served Kyrle Ward ; Richard Purcell, Esq., eldest son
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