Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



ment of Weigh Masters of this City to the Mayor and Aldermen, be for- warded to our representatives, to be presented to the Hon. House of Com- mons, and that circular letters be written to the several Members of the House of Commons, who are Freemen of this City, requesting their aid, and that Ald. Rowland be requested to go to Dublin from this Board, with such gentlemen as the merchants shall appoint, to solicit the presentation of said Petition. That William Cooke, victualler, having served Edward Cooke, do.; Henry Bruen, Esq., M.P. for Jamestown ; Christ. Cole, cooper, having served John Cole, do. ; Thomas Wise, tanner, having served Francis Wise, do. ; Maurice Atkin, Esq., eldest son of Walter Atkin, Esq. ; Ephraim White, grocer, at the request of the Mayor; Mr. Thomas Cole, at the request of· Sher. Harding ; Will. Beamish, mercht., at the request of Sher. Johnson, be admitted freemen at large. It., £20 a year to Mrs. Mary Newman, widow of the late Ald. Newman ; It., 7 guineas to Thomas Power, for striking the assize of bread during the Mayoralty of Ald. Purcell. Present-The Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Webb, Travers, Butler, Owgan, Rowland, Purcell ; Mr. Willcocks and W estropp. 26 Feb., 1790. That the Rt. Hon. Sir John Parnell, Chancellor of the Exchequer, be presented with his freedom in a Silver Box. Ordered, that £11 8s. 3d. be paid Edmd. Roche Kinselagh, so much paid by him to John Driscoll, Watchman and Ferryman at the Navigation Wall, for 33 weeks, at 6s. 11d. per week. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Johnson; Alden. Webb, Travers, Butler, Owgan, Kent, Kellett, Rowland, Kingston, and Franklin; Mr. Izod, Will- cocks, Coles, and W estropp. 5 March, 1790. Ordered, that £283 be paid Charles Denroch, Esq., for the purchase of the interest in two houses in Castle Street, held by him for a long term of years, and that a bond for the above sum be passed to Mr. Denroch, on his executing proper deeds to carry interest at 6 per cent.; It., £15 18s. 6d. to James Haly, for curing the chimneys in the Mayoralty House of smoke-


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