Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



S. Stephen's Hospital from 3 Nov., 1787, to Dec., 1788; lt., £56 lB. 3d. to Robt. Reeves, Corporation Agent in Dublin, businesa done by him; It., .£21 Os. 2id. to Wm. Flaherty, mason, work done. Present--The Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Butler, Lawton, Ken~ Sir J. Franklin ; Mr. Harding, M.C., Willcocks, and Piersy, C. S. 21 Aug., 1789. Ordered, that an application be made to Mr. John Bray, Lamp Contractor~ for .£290 16s. 9d., balance due from him of the money to be paid to the Mayor, &c., out of the first year's collection of Lamp money, and if not immediately paid, that the necessary steps be taken. ·Whereas by an order of Council heretofore made it was ordered, that the sum of £200 should be paid to Hans Stewart, Esq., in part discharge of the Corporation Bond for £400, and that a bond should be passed to him for the remaining .£200, and whereas the Corporation Bond to said Hans Stewart was for .£500, ordered, that the further sum of .£100 be paid to said Stewart to discharge the aforesaid Bond for .£500; It., that .£28 28. 11id. be paid Saml. Hobbs, carpenters' work done; It., .£64 7B. 9d. to Messrs. Izod & Co. for candles ; It., that the Corporation ground backward of the house& in Castle Street, and the late Meat Market, be enclosed with a stone wall; It., that the Mayor, Sheriffs, C. S., and Sir J. Franklin do sell the several materials taken out of the old markets. It., £2 5s. 1 Od. tn Thomas Harda- way for sand, brooms, &c.,. for the Council Chamber; It., .£54 188. 10!d. tG W. Jones, Town Clerk, money paid and business done for the Corporation from July, 1788, to Aug., 1789; It., .£301 108. 4d. to Messrs. Hobbs and Flaherty, balance due for finishing the New Markets. · Whereas on furnish- ing the several accounts of the work for building the Meat Markets it was thought necessary that such work should be measured on behalf of the Cor- poration, ordered, that 30 guineas be paid Messrs. Kearnes and Mahony for- ·measuring same ; It., that the opinion of such two council as shall be chosen · by the managers named by the C. D. H. for commencing a suit for dis- franchising John Justice be taken by the Town Clerk, whether they con- sider such suit can be carried on with effect. · Present--Mr. Mayor, Mayor Elect, Sher. Orpen and Maylor ; Aldeo. Butler, Lawton, Morrison, ~r. J. Franklin, Kent, Kingston; Mr. Izod, Piersy, C. S., and Willcocks. 131-2

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