Lawton, Owgan, Kellett, Rowland, Kingston ; Mr. Izod,. Willcocks, and W aggett, C. S. 24 Oct., 1788. That Quintin Osborne, gent., having served Benj. Hayes, do.; Thomas Purcell, merch'., having served Richard Purcell, Esq., mercht. (the present Mayor) ; John Justice, jun., gent., ,having served Richard Purcell, Esq. (present Mayor); Edward Fuller, mercht., having served Thomas Waggett, do. ; Edwd. W estcomb, clothier, having served Thos. Wood, dec.; Will. Wright, cooper, having served James Doherty, do.; Edwd. Collis, Esq., eldest son of Ald. C. ; Hugh Taylor, gent., eldest son of John T., clothier, dec. ; Henry Vereker, Esq., eldest son of Thos. V., of Roxborough, Esq. ; James Langton, Esq., eldest son of James L., of Brury, Esq. ; Will. Lee, clothier, having served Joseph Heard, do. ; Thomas Hendley, eldest son of Rich~rd H., clothier; Ebenezer Deaves, mercht., having served Abraham Church, do. ; Sam I. Godsell, Esq., eldest son of J as. G., Esq.; Edwd. Row.. land Jackson, Esq., eldest son of Rowland J., Esq., M.D., late of Bengal ; John Garde, Esq., eldest son of Tho•. G., Esq.; Epinetus Crooke, cooper, having served John Cole, do. ; James Lombard, Esq., eldest son of Revd. Edmond Lombard, Clk. ; Dan•. Harris, cordwainer, having served Danl. Franklin, do. ; Thomas Seward, gent., having served James Gregg, do: ; Francis Woodley, jun., gent., eldest son of Francis W., Esq.; Sami. Austen, brewer, having served Rich d. Barrett, do. ; John Welsh, eldest son of Will. W. clothier, dec.; John Wrixon,. mereht., having served Jonathan Morgan, do.; Richard Stevens, silversmith, having served John Warner, do.; John Baldwin, jun., gent., eldest son of John B., gent., atty. ; Thomas Collins, cooper, having served John Cole, do. ; Joseph Harman, cooper, having served .Andrew Hill, do. ; James Penrose, Esq., eldest son of Cooper P., Esq. ; Benjamin White, shopkeeper, having served Henry White, do. ; Sam I. Lester, cooper, having served William Newman, do. ; William Bullen, Esq., eldest son of Robt. B., of Moneyparsons, Esq.,.be admitted freemen at large. Present--The Mayor, Sher. Orpen and Maylor; Alden. Travers, Kent, Lawton, Webb, Kellett, Sir J. Franklin, Kingston, Rowland; Mr. Will- cocks, Mr. C. S., and Coles. 7 Nov., 1788. Ordered, that the Officers' Guard Room in Tuckey Street, Blackpool, and 130-2
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