at the discretion of the Mayor and Council; 211., he is to observe the several regulations, orders, &c., relating to Ships, directed by an ,Act of Par- liament passed in the 1st year of his present Majesty (inter alia) 'for the better regulating the harbour of Corke, &c.,' and shall see the same put in due practice and force, as far as they relate to the Harbour of Corke, have all penalties duly collected or distrained for, or the offenders brought to justice ; 3lJ, he shall faithfully execute all warrants, &c., directed to him, keep a book where the Plaintiffs' and Defendants' names are to be mentioned, the time and cause, or sum for ·which the same issued, to return said warrant to Court at the next sitting; 4 1Y, he shall enter in said book the fees or dues he shall collect, the names .of the ships or other vessels, the master's name and the place from whence she is repo$d; 5 1 1, that the fees for granting warrants, &c., be as usually received by the Waterbailiffs, and be his property; 6 1Y, that all duties arising from Ships, &c., coming to this Harbour shall be as heretofore established; 7lJ, he shall fix in all proper places sufficient Buoys, Poles, or Perches, as a guide to enable all mariners to avoid shoals or danger, and if any be removed by tempestuous weather, he is to put up others in their places; Sly, he is to give notice to the Mayor when any banks, bars, &c., appear in any part of the river that may obstruct the passage or navigation or endanger ships, boats, &c., either at high or low water, and shall follow such instructions as the Mayor and Council shall give him in order to remove the same; 91y, he is to give notice to the Mayor if any person whatever encroach on the strands in the river below the high water mark, by building any quays, houses, &c., within the harbour; IOly, he is to give public notice, by writings affixed in several public places in this City, and also at Passage and Cove, where all vessels are to take any ballast out of the river, and also where any ballast shall be landed or discharged by any ship, boat, or other vessel, and also to publish same, &c., that no person may plead ignorance; Illy, he must once a week at least go down the River as far as the spit end, to see that the perches, buoys, .and poles are in good order, that no encroachments are begun, and that all other regulations are duly observed; 121J, he is to take an exact account of all lighters and boats (ships' boats excepted) that belong to this river by their names, and the masters' or owners' names ; he is during one whole year to deliver to every master of a ship coming into this harbour, or leave on board such ship, one of the printed regulations, and to affix
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