Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



for the stalls of the New Market; It., £30 to James Magrath for three years' salary due from 1 May last, for teaching the boys .in S. Stephen's Hospital to sing ; It., 4 guineas to Kyrle Ward for repairing the Navigation boat. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs;· Alden. Webb, Butler, Lawton, Owgan, Carleton, Kellett, Morrison, Rowland, Sir Jn. Franklin; Mr. Harding, Coles, and W aggett, C. S. 30 Sep., 1788. Ordered, that £20 a year be paid to the widow of .Ald. Baker during her life ; It., that the W aterbailiff's place and dues arising to the Corporation be sold by public auction on the Exchange on 13 Oct. next, the purchaser to pay one fourth in hand and give security for the other three quarters, and execute such deed as may be necessary for the execution of the office; It., that an advertisement be put in the News Papers that the Mayor will receive proposals for keeping the coal barrels in repair and keep up the present number for seven years, there will be no preference as the proposals will not be opened but in council, on a day the Mayor will appoint. It., that the coal measurers and coal porters be badged, and that they shall each give security for their good behaviour to the Mayor before they get a badge. The Revd. W ensley Bond, Dean of Ross, at the request of Sheriff Morri- son, be admitted a freeman at large. It., £48 78. 2!d. to Saml. Hobbs, for carpenter's work; It., £18 7s. 5d. to said Hobbs for work at S. Stephen's Hospital; It., £10 178. 5!d. for work done at said Hospital; It., £51188. to John Turner, for glazing work; It., .£2 148. Bid. to Saml. Hobbs for carpenter's work; It., £12 to the Mayor for money paid by him. Present-- Mr. Mayor, Mayor Elect, both Sheriffs ; .Aiden. Webb, Travers, Lawton, Carleton, Kent, Morrison ; Mr. Harding, Willcocks, Coles, Puxley, and W aggett, C. S. 4 Oct., 1788. Many reports having been propagated that this Board intended to infringe on the rights of the freemen, They beg to mention that the public dues belonging to the Mayor, &c., arising out of ships coming to this harbour

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