Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Ordered, that Ald. Kent and Mr. Burgess Willcocks be empowered to ascertain the places in the City and suburbs where the lamps shall be erected and placed ; It., that Ald. Kent do buy 100 Barrels of coal; It.~ £40 188. 2id. to· the Mayor, expenses incurred for the Corporation; It., £6 88. 6d. to Messrs. Julius and John Besnard for sails furnished for the Corporation Boat; lt., £16 168. 6d. to Christ. Waggett and Christ. Allen, Sheriffs, expenses they were at in prosecuting John Callaghan and other felons who set fire to the North Gaol; It., £36 17s. 5td. to James and John Knight in full for printing work ; It., £4 to Margaret Bourke for embroider- /" ing the Banners of the State Trumpet and finding materials. That the Rt. Hon. Richard, Lord Via. Gilford, eldest son of Rt. Ron. Earl of Clanwilliam; the Rt. Hon. Earl of Glandore, eldest son of Rt. Hon. the late Earl of Glandore, who was a freeman at large of this City; and the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Suffolk be presented with their freedom. Present--The Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Wetherall, Baker, Butler, Webb, Kent, Sr. J. Franklin ; Mr. Izod, Willcocks, and Mr. C. S. 7 Sep., 1787_. (A recitation of the c<;mditions entered into for erecting, lighting, repair- ing, &c., the lamps.) That John Archer, mercht., at the request of Sheriff Waggett; Francis Beck, brewer, at the request of Sher. Allen; John .Anderson, mercht., on the statute; William Collows, mercht., do.; Saml. McCall, mercht., do.; John Pope Heard, gent., of Kinsale ; John Creagh, eldest son of Barth. Creagh, tobacconist ; William Harris, of Spring Grove, Co. Cork, Esq., be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that £284 7s. 6d. be paid Kevan Izod, Esq., being the Mayor, &c.'s proportion of 1000 guineas to be collected for the use of the pipe water scheme ; It., £82 98. 2d. to Messrs. Izod, Lumley, and Busteed for candles supplied; It., £6 3s. 3id. to Ann Knox for Gold ornaments for the ~ Banner to the City Trumpet; It., £2 2s.10d. to Thos. Hardaway for brooms "'\ for the Council Chamber; It., £3 148. 6d. to Mary Ballard for cleaning the Mayor's office. Present--Mr. Mayor, and Sheriffs; Alden. Wetherall, Baker, Webb, Butler, Travers, Owgan, Kent ; Mr. Izod, Willcocks, and C. S. .

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