Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Present-Mr. Mayor and Sheriffs ; Alden. Travers, Butler, Kent, Sr. John Franklin; Mr. Harding, Willcocks, and C. S.

27 July, 1787. Whereas an estimate by Sam I. Hobbs and Will. Flaherty, undertakers, for building the new market, of some alt.eration to be niade in said market, amounting to £96 9s. 7 id., ordered, that such alterations be made, and said sum paid, the alterations being effected; It., £37 1s 2~d. to said Hobbs for work done; It., £12 19s. 5d. to George Barber for work done; It., £33 16s. 5!d. to Will. Flaherty for work done; It., £91 2s. 3d. to Wm. Jones, business done; It., £18 7s. 10~d. to Willm. Mahony, tyler, for work done; It., £3 14s. 9!d. to said Mahony, work at S. Stephen's Hospital. · Present-Mr. Mayor, Sheriff Waggett; Alden. Rowland, Kent, Sir J. Franklin, Lawton; Mr. Izou, Willcocks, and C. S. 23Aug., 1787. In pursuance of an act passed 11 and 12 of his present Maj. for the regu- lation of this City of Corke, we, the Mayor, &c., do fix 1500 globe lamps, with a double burner in each lamp of good cotton wick yarn of 20 threads to each light, that is, 40 threads in each lamp, and we fix 1500 lamps shall be erected in the several parishes of said City and Suburbs, not being neare:t: to each other than 15 yards, except at the front of any public buildings, nor at a greater distance than 30 yards at each side of every street, lane, or passage where the same shall be erected, said lamps to be lighted 15 Sep. next, at sun setting, and to continue until sun rising next day, so to con- tinue till 15 May next, said lamps to be lighted in succeeding years from 1 Sep. to 1 May, with good oil, &c., and we fix 13s. 4d., expenses of each globe lamp, with the heading thereof and burner and lamp-iron, which are to be put up in addition to 1000 lamps before erected, amounting to £333 6s. 8d., and also 3id. each for 1000 new burners and cross wires for the old lamps amounting to £14 11s. 8d., and we fix £1 6s. lOd., amounting in the whole to £2012 lOs., shall be paid for trimming, &c., each of said lamps, and the like sum of £1 6s. lOd., amounting to £2012 lOs., for trim.. :piing, &c., each of said lamps from 1 Sep. to 1 May next, for which the Mayor, &c., shall contract.

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