Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


of the Mayor, &c., had lately settled with the Commissioners for building said Bridge, the proportion of the expenses of said Act which it was to bear, and which has been settled at £800, to carry interest at 6 per cent. until paid; and whereas by such adjustment it became unnecessary that such subscription should be made, ordered, that said recited order of 8 June be rescinded. It., that a bond passed by the Mayor, &c., for £175, dated 19 Dec., 1781, payable with interest at 6 per cent. unto Edmond Roche Kinselagh, Esq., 26 June then next, be taken up, and instead thereof a bond passed by the Mayor, &c., for said sum, with like interest, to Saml. Maylor, of Corke, Esq. It., that £9 1s. 9d. be paid Mr. Andrew Peace, apothecary, for medicines supplied to the boys of St. Stephen's Hospital, · and £6 to said Peace for attendance on said boys. It., that 10 guineas be paid for the purchase of the Barge which belonged to. the late Mr. Rogers, of Lota, with her materials, they being thought highly nece~sary, as the W aterbailiff is not provided with a boat, and cannot do the duties of his office. It., that 30 guineas be paid the Mayor, to provide an entertainment at Blackrock on 1§ A_!!g:_ A doubt having arisen with respect to the place of Common Speaker in this Corporation, It is the opinion of this Board that the place of the Common Speaker is next after such of the Burgesses as are members of the Common Council, and preceding such of the Burgesses as are not members of the Council. Present-'l;he Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Lawton, Owgan, Kent, Sir J. Franklin, and C; S. 23 July, 1787. This day the Mayor, &c., agreed with Mr. John Bray, oil merchant and contractor for lighting the lamps in the City of Dublin, for lighting the lamps of Cork for 3 years from 1 Sep. next, for which they have agreed to pay £1 6s. lOd. for each lamp, not being less than 1500, and he is to pro- vide 600 new lamps at 5s. 2!d., and 1000 new burners for the old lamps. The Mayor, &c., to appoint where such lamps shall be put, how long lighted, &c., a regular contract to be entered into before 25 Aug. next, to be lighted as the lamps in Dublin are lighted. It., £53 7s. Sid. to Will Flyn, printer, his account. It., that Mr. Kent do· provide a leather matrass and bolster for the officer of the main guard.

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