Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals




28 Sep., 1786. That the Rt. Hon. Lo. Vis. Lutterell be presented with his freedom in a Silver box ; and William Collis, Esq., Counc.-at-Law, a freeman at large. Ordered, that £11 5s. 9d. be paid the Mayor, loss he sustained on 10 tons of oatmeal sold to the poor. That Thomas Harman, silversmith, having served Will. Reynolds, do., be admitted a freeman at large. It., £18 11s. Old. to .Ald. Lawton, so much expended by him for S. Stephen's Hospital; It., £1 3s. 10d. to Peter Butler for work done; It., £26 l5s. 5id. to John Knight, for printing; It., £4 11s. to Sir John Frank- lin, one year's rent for the coach house belonging to the Mansion House. Present-The Mayor, and Sheriffs; Alden. Wetherall, Maylor, Travers, Morrison, Lawton, Owgan ; Mr. Morrison, C. S., Mayor Elect, Izod and Kellett.

1 Dec., 1786. Samuel Rowland, Esq., Mayor.

Ordered, that £67 7s. 1d. be paid Messrs. Rowland, and Dan 1• Morrison, for timber supplied; It., £12 6s. 11d. to said Rowland and Morrison for timber for S. Stephen's Hospital ; It., 3 guineas to Mr. Fortescue for English Newspapers from }...eb. 2, to 2 Aug., 1786 ; It., 11s. 4!d. to Miller Triggs for keeping the Mayoralty Bells in repair; It., that 6 instead of 5 per cent. be paid for the principal of £100 left by Brigadier Sterne for providing coals for the Alms House ; It., £30 to the Mayor, the Corporatien subscription for the children of the late William 9asey, who with his wife.was killed by the falling of a rock on their house. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Waggett; .Alden. Wetherall, Lawton, Owgan, Kent ; Mr. Izod, C. S., Kellett, and Travers. Sheriff Waggett alld Allen sworn Common Council men.

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