25 July, 1786. Ordered, that 30 guineas be paid Mr. Mayor for an entertainment at Blackrock, 1 ...L\.ug.; It., that Mr. Kent buy 100 Barrels of coals; It.; £8 13s. 4d. to Edmond Roche Kinselagh, Esq., Sword-Bearer, fees on sundry persons who have been presente~ with the Freedom of this City. This day Godfrey Baker, Esq., W aterbailiff, produced his accounts from 29 June, 1781, to 30 July, 1785. That Edmund Knapp, Esq.• eldest son of Edmond K., Esq.; George Read, gent. ; Nicholas Colthurst, Esq., Town Major ; Robert Travers, gent., Atty.-at-Law; James Carr, mercht. ; Thomas Newenham, Esq., second son of Thomas N., formerly M.P. for this City ; Robert Hamilton, mercht., partner-in-trade with John · Pedder, mercht. ; Joseph Harrison, woollen- draper; Robert Harding, Esq., second son of Henry H., Esq., be admitted freemen at large. It., £72 19s.11!d. to William Flynn, for printing work; It., £15 to the Mayor, for purchasing a ground seat opposite to the Archdeacon's in Peter's Church, the parish in which the Mansion House is situaten, for the use o~ the present and all succeeding Mayors and their families during office ; It., £23 3s. to John Baldwin, for printing work; It., £20, and no more, to . Benj. Bousfield, John I ..indsay, John Digby, Wm. Clark, and Edward James, to be expended by them in securing the foundation of the Castle of Black- rock, and building a slip. · Present-The Mayor and Sheriffs; Ald 80 • Wetherall, Maylor, Baker, Travers, Butler, Lawton, Owgan, Kent; Mr. Izod, Mr. C. S., and Mayor elect. ,.. ' ·~ That Julius Besnard, sail-cloth manufacturer, be admitted a freeman at }J 8 .Aug., 1786. large. : Ordered, that £190 be paid Mr. Thomas Bewley, for the purchase of the interest of the premises held by him from Robert Dennis, situate in Patrick Street, extending backwards to the ground whereon the New Markets are intended to be built, said Bewley making a sufficient title ; It., £60 to said Bewley, for the purchase of his interest in the house adjoining said premises, held by him under Do~tor DauD:t; on his making a like title ; 127
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