Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

1005 ·


Present-The Mayor, Sher; Lulnley; Alden. Wetherall, Rowland, Travers, Harding, Lawton, Kent; Mr. Izod and Allen, C. S.

(March 21, April 25, and May 10. The Mayor was obliged to break up for want of members attending.) 12 May, 1786. Ordered, that .£4 128. 5d. be paid Sam 1• Hobl)s, carpenter, for work done; I.t., £29 198. 9!d. to John Turner, plumber; It., that an alphabetical list of the orders in this book be made out by the Clerk of the Council; It., £2 3s. Old. to Saml. Hobbs, carpenter's work at S. Stephen's Hospital; It., £11 118. 7d. to John Turner, for plumbing work; It., £41 98. 10d. to Gibbs Ross, cooper, for coal barrels; It.~ £11 118. 6d. to Sir John Franklin, for newspapers; It., £18 08. Sd. to the Sheriffs, so much expended by them for the maintenance in Bridewell of the people who prosecuted the coiners, last assizes, to conviction ; It., £12 38. 2d. to Messrs. Fuller, :McCarthy and Co., for timber for the use of S. Stephen's Hospital; It., £53 38. 3d. to Messrs. Shaw and Evanson, for clothing for the Sargeants and Bayliff; It., .£25 18. 8d. to said Shaw and Evanson, for clothing for the Bellmen ; It., £27 128. 6d. to said S. and E. for clothes supplied the boys bound from S. Stephen's Hospital; It., .£14 158. 9d. to John Turner, for painting at the Mansion House; It., .£16 98. 11!d. to George Barber, fur upholsterer's work done; It., £23 68. 11d. to Sir John Franklin, for carpeting for the Mansion House; It., 6 guineas to the Trustees of the Pipe water scheme, for six years Pipe water supplied for the use· of the Corporation; It., £34 5s. 7d. to Henry Sadlier and William Lumley, Esq., and William Jones, to make good the costs they were at in the Sheriffs Office; It., £25 7s. 3id. to William Mahony, tyler, work done; It., .£3 11s. 7d. to Mary Ballard, for sweeping the Mayor's Office; It., 2 guineas to Anthony Edwards, his account ; It., .£4 5s. 3d. to Mr. Thos. Pope, for prosecuting Simon Donovan for assaulting John Shelton, a Market Juror ; It., .£47 48. 9d. to William Jones, Town Clerk, for official business. That Christ. Henry Earbery, Esq., eldest son of Mathias ·E., Esq. ; Thomas Mannix, gent., having served Willm. Jones; Michrel Wood, mercht., having served Gibbs Ross, mercht. and cooper; Thos. Cuthbert, mercht., eldest son of John C., mercht.; Sir Joseph Gray, eldest son of

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